Al Haig says jail Joseph Farah

By Joseph Farah

In a C-SPAN program yesterday on the 50th anniversary of the National Security Council, former Secretary of State Alexander Haig was interviewed, along with former NSC Chairman Zbigniew Brzezinski. About halfway through the show, a caller from Las Vegas offered the following:

“I’d like to make Mr. Haig aware of a situation going on in Long Beach, California, if he’s not already. Yesterday on one of the most credible radio shows in the country, the Chuck Harder show, one of the most credible authors in our country, Mr. Joseph Farah, from the Western Center Journalism, made known that Russia and China are teaming up in a project involving the COSCO shipping company on launching 300 of our most sophisticated satellites in the future. This project has been going on for many years. We know now that the Chinese have been giving campaign money to the White House in the past. This involves Bill Gates, also, by the way, and a company called Teledesic. Is this national security or what, Mr. Haig? Is Mr. Clinton working for the United States of America or is he an agent for Russia and China? I’d really like to know your opinion.

Haig smirked his way through most of the comment and question, before responding:

“Well, that’s a wang-banger. Let me answer that, because it’s all hogwash. And whoever wrote such claptrap ought to be put in jail for perjury. This is totally untrue. The COSCO operation in Long Beach is no more than a taking over a now-defunct naval port facility and bringing jobs and opportunities to the local community and opening up America and China together. This other talk that you mentioned is just plain hogwash. And I would be very, very skeptical of people running around accusing our president of some kind of disloyalty. Let me tell you, that’s not the case.”

The caller was referring to a radio program I did the day before in which Harder and I discussed a new report I did on why China so desperately wants that naval port facility in Long Beach. According to a recent story in Insight by investigative reporter Timothy W. Maier, the reason the China Overseas Shipping Co. wants that location, or one nearby, is because of an agreement between Russia and China dating back to 1992 when the two countries agreed to share intelligence data and coordinate foreign policy in an effort to undermine the United States.

RSC-Energia, a Russian company, well connected with the GRU, the military-intelligence agency, is partners with Boeing and others in a Long Beach-based operation called Sea Launch, that plans to begin launching satellites into space beginning next year. It is the proximity to this high-tech venture of great strategic significance that is driving China’s ambitions for a beachhead in the neighborhood. With the presence of COSCO, a company closely tied to the Chinese army and navy, it would serve, reports Maier, as a key listening post for Beijing and Moscow.

I’ll be reporting more on this development in future columns, but, for now, let me deal with Mr. Haig. Here’s what Maier had to say about him, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and their involvement with the Chinese in a report several months ago: “Make no mistake about it, they are hired guns for the trade partners of the People’s Republic of China. It is their access to Beijing that makes … (them) the favorite gunslingers of U.S. firms vying to tap into the PRC’s market. … Kissinger and Haig stand to profit richly from contracts with China that, in some cases, put the United States in a vulnerable position, according to current and former national-security officials. Insight has learned that Kissinger personally pockets a percentage of profits generated from deals he develops for American firms, while according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Haig has collected directly from the Chinese at least once as a paid but unregistered adviser — allegedly a felony breach of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, about which neither the Justice Department nor Haig would comment.”

So, before Mr. Haig suggests jailing me, maybe he better explain his own pecuniary interest in the notorious COSCO, a People’s Liberation Army front, for which he officially and publicly serves as a senior honorary adviser.

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.