Weyrich resigns as NET president

By WND Staff

WASHINGTON — Paul Weyrich, founder of National Empowerment Television, the conservative news and talk satellite network, has stepped down as president in favor of Chairman-CEO Bob Sutton, it was announced Thursday.

In a statement issued by Weyrich, he explained that he served at the pleasure of NET management, which “wished to move in a different direction.”

“That time has now come and I have been asked to resign,” he said. “I will remain on the board of directors of NET, representing the Free Congress Foundation, which is one of its owners. My departure will give Chairman Sutton and his management team a clear shot at operating NET as they see fit. The continuance and prosperity of NET is very important to the nation, and I have assured Bob and the management team of my complete support for what they are attempting to accomplish.”

Attempts to reach Sutton and other NET managers were unsuccessful last evening. There was no word on whether Weyrich would continue to host his “Direct Line” interview program or on what role, if any, he would play in the day-to-day operations of the network.