The famous U.S. Army 1st Cavalry Division is a potent force. Just
ask the Iraqis who were savaged by their fire and steel during Desert
Although they’re still known as cavalry, they pastured their horses
long ago and fought in World War II and Korea as a foot-slogging
division. In Vietnam, they galloped into battle aboard choppers and
enhanced their amazing legend.
Now they’re a tough tank division stationed at Fort Hood, Texas,
ready to fight anywhere, anyplace, anytime.
One of America’s finest fighting outfits, they’re tops at winning
battles. They should be. They cost you and me a cool billion and a half
bucks a year.
If famine-ravaged North Korea lashes out, the cavalry troopers are
high on the priority list to ride to the rescue. Just last winter, all
indicators pointed to the Reds preparing to do exactly that. A general
there said things were the diciest they’d been in years.
So you can bet your boots our 39,000 folks in camouflage gear in
South Korea are happy that the cavalry is on standby. You want the best
backing you up when you’re in a fight. When I served in Vietnam, both
the 101st Airborne Brigade and later the Vietnamese Airborne Division
were saved by the cavalry when we’d bitten off more than we could chew.
But military logic being what it is, the cavalry — this awesome tank
division — has been tasked to be the new cop on the Bosnia beat. So if
the balloon goes up in Korea, our guys in the trenches will have to dig
in a little deeper and shoot a lot faster.
Sending this powerful armored division to Bosnia to man checkpoints,
run patrols and show the flag is flat nuts. Since 1995, this open-ended
and futile mission has already cost $10 billion dollars, degraded the
combat readiness of our Apache helicopter gunship battalions and of the
two Germany-based heavy divisions.
Now Bill Clinton’s military masterminds plan to do in No. 3.
The division headquarters and a cavalry brigade deploy this September
to be replaced in six months by another cavalry brigade. The brigade
remaining behind will be stripped to fill the gaping holes in the ranks
of the two deploying units and those left will spend their time
maintaining stowed gear, doing police call and keeping Fort Hood
The mighty cavalry has already stopped all war-fighting training and
these highly skilled warriors (a good tank crew cost about $3 million to
train) are now being recycled as peacekeepers. An exercise not unlike
taking your city’s elite SWAT squad and turning them into social
Most of the cavalry’s brand new $4 million a pop M1A2 Abrams tanks
will be mothballed along with their cannons and other combat gear. When
the mission ends in 1999, it will take at least another year to get the
cavalry back in shape to fight as an effective, combined arms team.
This might be too late if crazy Kim Jung Il slashes across the 38th
Parallel, or if even crazier Saddam Hussein commits another military
miscalculation. And since Clinton and the best Congress money can buy
just restarted the cold war with their vote to extend NATO east, the
cavalry may not be fully up and running if Russia decides to roar again.
Meanwhile, the fine cavalry troops are busting their butts to
re-configure from war-fighters to policemen and I have no doubt that
once there, they will do an outstanding job keeping their finger in the
Bosnian dike.
And after almost six years of our military being assigned the wrong
missions, it’s a safe bet that as long as Clinton’s president our combat
forces will continue to be misused and abused.
The top brass should stand tall and demand Clinton authorize the
formation of a permanent peacekeeping force to do his
save-the-global-village work or they’ll resign.
The Reserves, National Guard and Regular Army could all pony up
troops to be specially trained for nation building, peace operations and
police work. They would do the Haitis, Bosnians, Macedonias and Kosovos
— and our warriors could return to their primary job of preparing to
defend America.
Hack Notes
I average about 3,000 emails a week. I answer them all myself, even
the ones from the crazies, the haters and the masturbators. My assistant
Rhonda gets about 1,200 messages a week and she being the sum total of
our mighty staff — apart from the inspiration and fine editing from my
dearly beloved wife — replies to all of these all by her lonesome.
These messages come from all over the world and every U.S. base in
the USA. I reckon there is at least one Soldier For The Truth member in
every battalion/squadron/ship/A Team in our armed forces.
All of these reports gives me an amazing feel for what is going on
within the force. I pass this knowledge on to serving leaders who care,
the media and to our citizens.
A SFTT member recently told me I’d become the “Number one IG of our
Forces.” Not sure of this, but I do know that our efforts are paying
off. We’re getting the word out and causing the users and abusers to be
a lot more careful.
Ten percent of the those who write inevitably ask: “What can we do
about it?” My answer is join SFTT. The more members we have, the bigger
our muscle will be and thus the more influence we’ll have.
Don’t just mumble in your beer and do nothing about what Clinton and
his political cronies, along with too many star-wearers — who have
forgotten that loyalty is a two-way street — are doing to our forces.
Get involved.
Collectively, we can make changes and restore our military’s
readiness and rid the force of political correctness. If you’re not a
SFTT member now fire off an email to Roger Charles, SFTT’s extraordinary
chief of staff and join up. Uncle Sam needs you like never before.
Roger’s email is [email protected]
With your help we can make the bastards dance.
Hot Spots:
Colombia and Kosovo are both about to melt. I wouldn’t be surprised
to see
Americans openly committed to both places in the weeks ahead. I say
because sources tell me we already have folks there doing black stuff.
That’s how the war game is played: first the black operators and then
boys and girls in camo.
Keep Five Yards,
— Hack