Newly released documents obtained from the U.S. Commerce
Department have raised new connections between Vice President
Gore, and Ron Brown’s trade missions. The newly released
documents show former Gore campaign advisers were included in
several Brown led trade conferences and missions. One former
Gore advisor who received a special slot at the 1995 “Big
Emerging Markets Conference” (BEM) trade conference was also the
founder of Molten Metals Inc., a company linked to Gore during
the 1997 Thompson Senate hearings.
The “Big Emerging Markets Conference” or BEM, included government
and commercial representatives from Argentina, Brazil, China,
India, Mexico, Poland, South Korea, Turkey and the United
States. The July 1995 BEM Conference in Washington also
included John Huang, Nora Lum and the American representative of
CITIC, a Chinese government owned bank linked to international
arms traffic.
“Welcome to the Big Emerging Markets Conference,” states an
introduction written by Secretary Brown. “This important and
high level event has been created to focus on what President
Clinton has cited as one of the ‘key components of this
Administration’s commercial and trade policy:’ our intensive
focus of the Big Emerging Market (BEMs).”
Two U.S. key companies invited to the BEM conference were Molten
Metals Technology of Walthan, Mass. and Fluor Daniel, a
California company. Molten Metals President and founder,
William Haney, III, is listed along with Charles Oliver,
President of Fluor Daniel Inc. William Haney was also a former
Gore 1992 campaign staffer.
Molten Metals was linked in 1997 by the Thompson Committee to
illegal donations and contract kick-backs involving Vice
President Al Gore. The company filed for Chapter 11 in
December, 1997 due to the scandal. Molten Metals, despite money
troubles, currently runs two nuclear facilities for the U.S.
Department of Energy site in Oakridge, Tennessee.
One connection to Gore was the $5 billion Energy Department
contract awarded to Fluor Daniel to manage the Hanford
Washington nuclear power plant. Peter Knight, a former
lobbyist for Fluor Daniel, managed the 1996 Clinton/Gore
re-election campaign. Before joining the Clinton/Gore campaign,
Knight represented Fluor Daniel and Molten Metal as a lobbyist.
Knight also represented Lockheed Martin; a major subcontractor
for Fluor on the Hanford project. Interestingly, Lockheed
Martin also donated $100,000 to Democrats shortly before the
Hanford contract was awarded.
The Senate committee focused on the relationship between Knight
and Tom Grumbly, who was a former assistant secretary for
environmental management at DOE. Grumbly oversaw the DOE
management of the Hanford site. Both Gore and DOE’s Grumbly
visited Molten Metals. In fact, when the firm’s stock began to
take a nose dive in 1997, the Energy Dept. issued a public
statement saying it favored the firm’s radioactive waste
disposal technology. Yet, the Energy Department’s inspector
general and the House Commerce Committee both raised questions
on how Molten Metals could qualify to receive $27 million in
funding from DOE and millions of dollars in additional
The new documents show that such questions were not asked of the
1995 BEM attendees, especially when the attendee had Gore
connections. The Commerce documents clearly show that Molten
Metal’s contact with the Clinton administration predated the
Gore visits and that they were included in a favored trade
Most of Molten Metal’s work is being done at the Oakridge,
Tennessee site, better known for producing U235 for our
strategic nuclear weapons arsenal. Why is a company unable to
find credit and under Chapter 11 protection running a U.S.
nuclear weapons facility?
Gore’s involvement with Molten Metals contaminates the so-called
“green” Vice President. Money donated from a questionable
contractor in the nuclear power industry is ecological proof
that Gore is more interested in green for his campaign than
radioactive wastes which glow green for about 900 years.
Furthermore, President Clinton had to withdraw proposals to
transfer U.S. nuclear technologies to China just prior to his
1998 visit. The reason for the withdrawal was not ecological —
because the atomic sales to the PRC were pushed as helping to
solve the “green-house gas” global warming problem. The
Clinton/China satellite technology scandal ruined the
multi-billion dollar taxpayer financed deals to build atomic
power plants in China. Thus, most of Clinton’s 1998 visit to
China was political hugs, kisses, and sightseeing but no nukes
for Jiang Zemin.
Another example of the attendees invited to the 1995 BEM
Conference is Bai Xingji, the Chief Representative of the China
International Trust and Investment Corporation or CITIC. Before
coming to the 1995 BEM conference for CITIC, Bai was the
director of the UN IDO Center for International Industrial
Cooperation and the deputy director of the Ministry of Foreign
Economic Trade (MOFERT).
For all practical purposes CITIC is the bank of the People’s
Liberation Army, providing financing for Chinese Army weapons
sales and western technology purchases. CITIC is also an
unusual bank because, and according to CITIC’s mission
statement, it is dedicated to commercial and economic activity
for a better Marxist-socialist world. A true indication of
CITIC’s power is the fact the $20 billion conglomerate serves as
chief investment arm of China’s central government and holds
ministry status on the Chinese State Council.
International arms dealer Wang Jun, President of Poly
Technologies visited the White House and had coffee with
President Clinton. Wang Jun was also chairman of the China
International Trust & Investment Corp., CITIC. Poly
Technologies is the commercial arm of China’s Commission for
National Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense
(COSTIND). The GAO noted in one recent report that COSTIND
basically runs the Chinese military-industrial complex.
Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie arranged Wang’s participation at the
White House coffee. Wang’s company, Poly Technologies, is
better known as the arms outlet for the Chinese People’s
Liberation Army (PLA), selling everything from automatic AK-47s
to nuclear tipped missiles. CITIC, however, has arranged direct
deals for wholly owned companies of the PLA.
In August, 1993, the U.S. taxpayer backed Eximbank guaranteed a
$72.5 million loan from a commercial bank to a Hong Kong
telecommunications firm controlled by CITIC. The loan allowed
the CITIC controlled firm, China Orient Telecomm, to purchase a
commercial satellite from a division of Lockheed Martin.
In May 1998, a Chinese Long March booster lifted off from
Xi-chang, carrying the new $100 million, U.S. built,
communications spacecraft that is now operated by a Chinese
telecommunications firm with corporate ties to the People’s
Liberation Army (PLA). China Orient Telecomm Satellite Co. is
operating the new PLA/ChinaStar in a geosynchronous orbit.
China Orient Telecomm, according to Aviation Week and Space
Technology, is “a company directly connected to the Chinese
military. … It is widely expected that ChinaStar will be used
for military communications and in supporting PLA business
President Clinton personally approved the sale of an advanced
communications spacecraft to China Orient Telecomm. China
Orient Company is also owned in part by Wang Jun and
Wang’s CITIC was also a co-guarantor of the bank loan to Asia
Satellite Telecom Co. Ltd., or AsiaSat, in which CITIC had a
controlling interest. AsiaSat, a company founded in 1988, made
a March 1996 satellite purchase from Hughes to build the
AsiaSat-3 with a $220 million loan from a consortium of banks.
Asiasat-3 was placed into an incorrect orbit by a Russian Proton
booster rocket launched from Baikonur in 1997. In 1998,
Insurance companies paid off the satellite and transferred
ownership to Hughes. Hughes recovered Asiasat-3, using a
special lunar orbit technique to bring it back into a position
around the earth.
AsiaSat-3, a commercial satellite sold to China, lost and
recovered by Hughes, is more than just a $220 million piece of
orbiting electronics. Hughes is now offering the satellite to
the U.S. Navy for military purposes. Mark J. Schwene, Hughes
Global Services Vice President, was quoted in Aviation Week as
saying “Possible markets for the satellite include providing
capacity over ocean regions for the Navy as well as providing
sufficient communications services in times of crisis to meet
military communications surge requirements.”
If you believe Hughes — the Clinton spin that satellites have no
military value for China is a falsehood. Otherwise, why offer a
used Chinese satellite to the U.S. Navy for “times of crisis”?
After reading the U.S. Commerce documents — this author is left
with the impression that if real Bug-Eyed-Monsters (BEMs) had
visited the 1995 BEM conference then Ron Brown would have
willingly sold them the means to destroy planet Earth. Clearly,
nuclear and missile means were on the table for the red Chinese.
However, Little Green Men did not visit the White House from the
red planet. Instead, red soldiers with green in their bank
accounts came to Washington in 1995. The truth lies hidden
deeper in the Clinton administration than any secret from
Area-51. The real space-joke is on us, the U.S. taxpayers, for
financing Chinese Army satellites.
Big Emerging Markets Conference cover sheet, Secretary Brown
introduction, Bai Xingji, the Chief Representative of the China
International Trust and Investment Corporation or CITIC, John
Huang, Molten Metals and Nora Lum documents – in .GIF format.