This is the second of a two-part series on Clinton’s secret war games and the concerns of the man who helped invent them.
We are living in a new age of electronic warfare which could make every electrical device from military tanks to clock radios inoperative, according to one of the people responsible for such weapons systems.
President Bill Clinton could enter a few key strokes on a computer and selectively disable all electronics anywhere in the world, including within the U.S., using a top secret satellite system known as “LEO.” That ability is not unique to the U.S., however. Other
countries and even terrorists could knock out electronics equipment anywhere in the world.
Rev. Curt Tomlin, 65, is a retired Army major with 24 years combined service in the Navy, Air Force, and Army. He was a member of the battle staff for the Kennedy and Johnson administrations and developed top secret computer systems for the Pentagon. His unique expertise prompted the military to bring him out of retirement three times to put his skills to use in the development of war games computers, security computer systems and the testing of electronics warfare.
Tomlin gave an exclusive interview to WorldNetDaily to express his concerns about national security. He says the U.S. is in grave danger because of a president who is desperate to hang on to his position of power at all cost.
In an exclusive WorldNetDaily article yesterday, Tomlin detailed his fears that Clinton is using a war games computer to find a new target he can attack. Clinton’s goal, according to Tomlin, is to become an international hero. Tomlin, who created the nation’s first computer war game system, known as “SIOP,” for the Pentagon, fears that Clinton’s actions will bring devastating retaliation from terrorists who are just waiting for an
excuse to activate their plan of domestic attack against the U.S.
Although Tomlin believes the greatest danger to the U.S. is from biological and chemical weapons, he is also concerned about electronic warfare. Tomlin believes Clinton is very upset with a large portion of the nation that wants him impeached. He says Clinton is planning a way to get back at his enemies in a big way.
“This man (Clinton) is extremely vindictive and he’s going to get back at the country one way or another,” said Tomlin, who is also concerned about Clinton’s recent attempt to use the SIOP computer to attack alleged terrorist sites in Afghanistan and Sudan. Tomlin
believes new attacks are imminent in order to turn the previous failure to damage the terrorists into a major victory that will make Clinton an international hero.
Tomlin expects domestic retaliation from the next attack by Clinton to be devastating. He says terrorists are already in the U.S. awaiting orders to attack, a claim supported by a recently intercepted fax sent world wide to 5,000 “soldiers” loyal to Osama bin Laden. The faxed order, reported in London and Jerusalem newspapers recently, tells the terrorists to be prepared to attack U.S. and Israel in four ways very soon.
According to the fax, the attacks would be designed to
- Bring commercial airlines to a halt
- Stop all maritime traffic
- Occupy U.S. embassies around the world
- Shut down U.S. banking
Such actions would seem difficult to achieve, but Tomlin says it would actually be easy to accomplish with access to electronics warfare devices. Although his greatest concern is chemical or biological attack, he said he would not be surprised if the attack came through electronics. Virtually everything from military aircraft to TV remotes would be disabled, according to Tomlin.
Tomlin was called out of retirement in 1995 to participate in a top secret project. He worked in the 10th Mountain Division as a senior test plan analyst.
“You know that your automobile has an electronic ignition in it,” explained Tomlin. “It also has a computer inside that. Did you know that we can immobilize every moving vehicle in this country with a few key strokes of a computer, all at the same time?
“By using the LEO satellites,” he described, “you can disrupt the computers. You can stop that electronic ignition. It’s all electronically based. You can interfere with it and stop it dead in it’s tracks.”
Tomlin also worked on tests dealing with laser technology and the global positioning system, but he did not provide details of those tests or their purpose. He did say the testing was extensive and was all for military purposes.
It is clear that China and other countries have this same technology, agreed Tomlin. He believes the recent intercepted bin Laden fax is evidence that terrorists have this same ability. Electronic warfare would make all four of the stated goals easily attainable.
Tomlin is risking legal action by the Pentagon for revealing top secret information. That’s a risk he says he is willing to take because of the danger he believes has been caused by an out-of-control president.
“The decisions he’s making right now are totally illogical and irresponsible,” said Tomlin about his concerns regarding Clinton. “Looking at the power and everything he’s got at his finger tips. That’s a dangerous situation for a spastic individual.” Tomlin has maintained silence about the top secret program for many years, but now he feels compelled to speak out.
“I could be sticking my neck on the chopping block for a number of reasons,” said Tomlin of his decision to make his information public. “Number one is I’m still under some lifetime restrictions on security clearances. For example two of the clearances I had above top secret was ESI and category 7 and 9. That was three above that. Those are lifetime. So I have to be a little bit careful about what I put in print.
“I think people have to be aware of this, regardless of the consequences on my end. I feel that I would be guilty of the military crime of negligence of duty if I did not bring this to
somebody’s attention,” explained Tomlin.
Is this all part of a planned conspiracy? Or is this a president gone mad? Tomlin said he would not be surprised by either scenario.
“If that’s the way it turns out, I will not be at all surprised,” he said. “When you put all of the pieces of the puzzle together you see how it all fits together.
“The ultimate end product of these programs the government has been working on is to create a generation of people who will readily accept sudden and radical change without question, without objection, and without opposition. That’s the goal of these programs
in a nutshell. This is headed toward a one-world government without any question what-so-ever, he warns. These programs have been going on for a long time. People need to pay attention to what Outcome-Based Education is all about, what Goals 2000 is all about, and these other socialistic programs that are leading in this direction. It’s upon us,” warned Tomlin.
In recent years Tomlin has been teaching and writing college courses dealing with electronic data processing. He tells his students, “If you can think of it, you can do it. Your only limitation is your own imagination. There are no limitations when it comes to electronics.
“Y2K is going to be one of the biggest problems you’ve ever seen in your life, coupled with the other intentional (electronic) interferences we’re talking about.”
Tomlin says he entered a Navy competition back in 1963 for a mystery computer assignment. After two weeks of competition with many others who wanted the top secret, undisclosed position, Tomlin was notified to pack his bags and report to the Pentagon.
“I had no idea what I would be doing until I walked into the front door. I had to compete for that job. At that time there were 700 of us in the Navy who had shown specific talent and progress for designing information and processing systems. That was Navy wide
because data processing was so new at that time,” explained Tomlin.
“There was three places we worked out of. Site R, which was the underground command post, the war room in the Pentagon — the JCS war room. We also had a facility on the North Hampton, which was a light cruiser. That was also the Presidents alternate battle site on that cruiser. Later we also had a facility on the U.S. Wright, which was a converted jeep carrier from World War II.”
When he first arrived he was the youngest, 30, and lowest ranked, petty officer, member of the Kennedy battle staff. No one on the team knew just what they wanted or expected from Tomlin, so he just observed and tried to find ways to put his skills to use.
“Nobody on the battle team was capable of telling me what they wanted me to do,” he said. “So I fiddled around there for a couple of weeks just watching what the rest of the battle staff did during their exercises and their presidential briefings and stuff like
that. Kind of with my hands in my pockets. We had a worldwide battle exercise and I wandered around the war room and watched them post the status boards, the maps, and process the ‘twixes’ as we called them back then. That’s all the messages and the strikes and the targets. Finally, I concluded that these guys were doing this the hard way.”
Tomlin, accompanied by his armed Marine guard who was with him 24 hours a day, went to work in the seclusion of his underground war room at site R. He began putting together some very simple procedures using IBM punch cards on the latest and greatest computer 1963 technology had to offer. Within just a few weeks another war game was called and Tomlin was ready to show off his creation, which he created totally on his own.
“We had a war game, and while they were doing their thing out there, nobody paid any attention to me and nobody knew I was around. So I went back and I got copies of all the incoming data and I did my thing and I threw my shoulders back one day and just started posting the status boards and everybody else — all these lieutenant colonels and
colonels and brigadier generals and everybody else — were all gathered around the conference table and somebody said, ‘Tomlin what the hell are you doing?’ I said, ‘Well, I’m plotting the results of these various strikes.’ And they said, ‘Who told you to do that?’ I said, ‘Nobody did.’
“They got to looking at their conclusions and my conclusions and they were identical. What took 30 or 40 folks for them to do, well I did it by myself in just a matter of minutes,” described Tomlin of his first war games computer program. So that got their attention, and that’s where everything started. So the next time around they used my computerized war game, which was the first one the Department of Defense ever had. Then later I got tasked to build a system for the targets, and then the rate of production for atomic weapons storage and accountability, and all that good stuff. It just kind of exploded (military computer assignments) from there.”
The military had never called retirees back into full-time active duty until they needed Tomlin during the Gulf War. They needed him and didn’t have a policy in place that enabled them to bring him back, pay him, and give him credit towards his retirement benefits.
Tomlin is listed as a military resource with critical skills, so the government made the necessary changes in policy and got him back for a full year of service. During that time he worked in the national records center in St. Louis, MO, to install new computer systems and redesign internal security for 6.9 million records. The commercial company he worked with to accomplish the task is owned by Ross Perot, he pointed out.
As the pioneer of computerized war games, and other information systems, Tomlin is obviously proud of his work. He is speaking out because he believes Clinton is a desperate man trying to save his position of power at any cost. He believes Clinton is not acting rationally and is about to subject the U.S. to grave danger from international terrorists. Tomlin says he is willing to accept the personal risk he is taking by revealing sensitive information about military systems and capabilities.
Tomlin, is now a minister, and is the director of the Christian Alert Network. He devotes his time to informing pastors and concerned Christians of problems he sees in government schools. He actively promotes home schooling, private schools and reform of public schools, which he says are
being used by the government to manipulate the beliefs of children and take away parental rights.
“The primary purpose of the Christian Alert Network (TCAN),” states his web page, “is to inform individual Christian citizens on specific situations that adversely impact upon our basic Christian doctrine, religious freedom and traditional families and to encourage them to participate in the governmental process, in obedience to the Holy Scriptures and according to the intent of our Founding Fathers.”
Clinton’s secret war games — part 1
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