Remember when Ronald Reagan was gunned down? Vice President Bush was out of
town and the press, rightly worried about all those Soviet ICBMs pointing at us, were
asking, “Who’s in command?”
Then Secretary of State Al Haig couldn’t get up to bat fast enough — and became
forever known as “I’m in Charge, Haig.” But wrong as he was about where he fit into
the constitutional pecking order, at least he had the sense to rush into the breach!
Today, with another president bleeding from wounds — however self-inflicted by his
own recklessness and bad judgment — is anyone in charge of our national defense?
Looks to me that after the Pentagon’s wrongheaded, futile and ill-timed “Wag The
Dog” missile attack on Sudan and Afghanistan, no one is.
Our nation’s top leadership is clearly not focused on national security, but rather on
how to control the damage from Starr’s War. All the commander in chief’s energy
and his key advisers’ attention seems devoted to making Starr, Monica and our
national humiliation go away.
This won’t do. We live in a dangerous world and like it or not, America’s the big guy
on the global block. We’re the sole surviving superpower and with that position
comes awesome responsibilities.
Yet no one’s focused on Clinton’s “global village” creation and the 144 countries in
which he has so carelessly stuck our soldiers — out there under the gun doing police
work. Surely the opposition in many of these strife-torn lands will seize the
opportunity to strike back at the Clinton cops while Zipper One’s distracted by the
fight for his political life.
Let’s look at just some of the threats:
Russia with its thousands of ICBMs is falling apart faster than a cheap pair of
shoes. With a crazy in charge it’ll only take the flip of a switch and they’ll come
thundering down — On us.Iraq is about to again escape from it’s asylum and shift the eight year
mother-of-all running conflicts from words back to weapons.Iran and Afghanistan are squared off. A fight between these two religious fanatics
probably won’t be confined to their sandbox but more likely will spread to that whole
region.Unstable North Korea has recently launched a long range missile capable of striking
South Korea and Japan — and our intelligence suspects they’re back to building the
bomb.Ex Yugoslavia remains on fire with Kosovo at the four alarm level and Bosnia
smoldering as the wind picks up.Columbia, not far from Main Street U.S.A., is only a few months from going
Communist. Will Red China adopt them as the Soviet’s did Cuba?
Last month Clinton announced his WAR ON TERRORISTS and they replied in kind.
While we’re not technically at war, make no mistake — we’re engaged in the most
complex long-term conflict we’ve ever fought
And in case you haven’t heard, war is all about money. Always has been and always
will be. So it doesn’t portend well for peace with the WORLD-WIDE FINANCIAL
MELTDOWN that appears to be coming down. After all, there’s nothing like a war to
juice up a troubled economy.
To solve these sticky international problems we urgently need these two things:
A captain at the helm who’s got the trust of the people, the armed forces and the
world’s leaders.An armed forces that’s ready to go and wisely employed.
Polls say the American people don’t trust Clinton nor do the thousands of our
serving warriors with whom I’ve talked. Most foreign leaders think he’s turned into a
bad American joke who could never stitch a coalition together as Bush did for Desert
America is at sea in very stormy and dangerous waters with an incompetent captain
at the helm. A captain who doesn’t have the moral authority to command our
ruptured and worn out armed forces.
Clinton should excuse himself from commander in chief duties and immediately turn
over all matters of national security to Al Gore. He should put Gore in charge of
every aspect of defending America while Congress and the people decide his fate.
The security of our country and the welfare of our uniformed men and women
demands nothing less.
WATCH: Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. Is this his biggest rally ever?
WND Staff