Few of us can look back to that day nine years ago today, without musing “and the walls came a tumbling down,” as a quarter century old symbol of mass murder, darkness, and slavery, the Berlin Wall, met with bulldozer, wrecking ball, and human hands.
Together they three worked that glorious morn’ with triumph in their hearts.
Each doing their best, and then some, to knock down, cut up, and slice open
a liberating gateway to freedom for those so long locked in by cement and
barbwire, machine gun and check points, dictatorship and fear.
Everyone joined in the celebration! Even the worldwide press, with its many
pens and voices which had so long held up to our minds and eyes the illusion, locked hands in a joyous solidarity, which no words could possibly capture, as millions of captives were finally set free!
But after the joy, followed a tour into what was, the forbidden zone; it was
there that the painful truth brought a discourteous damper to the party.
Many previous proliferaters of nonsense, now free to venture into their “utopia” unmasked, were not ready for what lay bare. Misery and suffering, so long left unheard and unseen, muffled and hidden, behind walls and curtains, and propaganda from their own pens, were such as few ever imagined. Poverty and environmental decay were rampant, the worst horror stories of communist tyranny confirmed, old communist “heroes” openly denounced and cursed by the common man. A paradise, their paradise, lost!
At that moment of revelation, even the most devout ideologue dared not deny this pathetic picture of human and economic rubble; for the world was
watching, and the truth was too widely published. So what to do? As if on
cue the answer came, with typical unity, a fabricated funeral: “Communism,”
they said, “is dead.” “Socialism,” as a legitimate economic philosophy, forever “discredited and discarded.”
It was a wonderfully disarming ploy; their best yet. For the target of their
gimmick was not the average apathetic citizen, who was already theirs, but
the concerned citizen, that stout and stubborn opponent, who for so long
had been a bulwark against their apologism. Convince that soul that his enemy has been consigned to the catacombs of history; who then would stand in their way?
And so with tongue in cheek, and fingers crossed, they repeated the mantra,
“communism is dead,” “all is well,” till it sounded like truth, and for a season, became the gospel. Indeed, it seems few stood up to this charade, less find themselves caricatured as a Cold War relic in search of a cause.
But communism and socialism did not perish Nov. 9 of 1989.
A few grim reminders, should suffice:
- Immediately following the “fall” of the Berlin Wall and the
“demise” of the Soviet Union, President’s George Bush and Bill Clinton, launched the historically anti-American, pro-socialist United Nations into a new hegemonic role, this in fulfillment of Lenin’s vision of the future. Remember, we should, the UN’s cardinal dogma’s have always included a belief in the redistribution of the world’s wealth and technology, the disarmament of all nation-states, a soviet style bill of state-granted not God-given rights, and the establishment of global government. - Leading to that vision, as Lenin predicted, there have emerged
regional sovereignty destroying alliances, such as NAFTA, the EU, and ASIAN (Article 51 Arrangements under the UN Charter). - The same old propagandist who propped up the old Soviet Empire,
now echo lie, that the old dictators, with new party names, are devout converts to laisse faire. The truth is that almost everywhere, the order of the day, is Lenin’s New Economic Plan (NEP), wherein major industries are state-owned monopolies, lesser industries are heavily regulated by the state, and nickel and dime operations are the only ones left relatively unmolested.And moronically, what has been our strategy to fix an economy
propped up by doles, but more doles. Outsiders invest, not because of a promising economic climate, but because the U.S. government, at taxpayer expense, guarantees their investment. Corruption abounds, the Russian mob comfortably mixes with government and industry, and as always, a few prosper, while the old Soviet military apparatus modernizes, and the masses live in poverty. - For all our friendship and aid, Russia and now China have
nuclear missiles pointed at us, the two have forged a new relationship, and both continue to violate, as in days of yore, every missile treaty they’ve signed, exporting military technology to rogue anti-American states. - Finally, domestically, in 1992 and in 1994, the citizens of the
United States, elected a president, who despite conservative promises, has
aggressively pursued an agenda to socialize all health care, centralize all
police powers, federalize all school teachers, nationalize all community
service, and reduce military readiness to1949 levels – while the old enemy
catches up to our technology.
Yes, the Berlin Wall fell, but sadly communism and socialism did
not fall with it. They live in Moscow, Peking, the EU, the U.N., and in the U.S., and they are thriving. The celebration on Nov. 9, 1989, was premature. If we hope to hope to make of that anniversary, a date of true celebration, it is time to wake up, smell the garlic, promote real reform, and abandon socialism in all of its forms forever.
Steve Farrell is a free-lance writer, PhD. candidate in constitutional law and
former Air Force communications security manager.
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