Letter from disgruntled military officer

By WND Staff

Sir, I applaud your efforts to expose the moral corruption and criminal actions of the current administration and its party leader. In support of the Reserve Corps Major who wrote a condemnation of the president, you made a plea last week for military people to write and express their thoughts and sentiments. You asked for it and so you will get it. This note is not short, but it is a heartfelt, sincere response to your request.

I agree with the Marine Corps major in his assessment of the president. A man, whether soldier or civilian should not be prosecuted for his political speech much less his thoughts. As a soldier, I wrote my congressman and senator on numerous occasions during the last 12 months to discuss the immorality and criminal actions of the president. To openly express such concerns while wearing the uniform of the armed services is to court retribution. It is definitely not career enhancing. The common reaction among commissioned officers to the sordid political issues of this president is that : one, we are either above the “political fray” in our altruistic oath to the Constitution; two, not willing to get involved in public because it smacks
of disloyalty to the commander in chief; or thirdly we understand the prohibitions against such criticism established by law and Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Because there are not hundreds of thousands of vocal protests being lodged by the professionals in the military does not mean that we are supportive of the president. In my experience, the exact opposite is true. During my last assignment I knew of only one officer among a hundred who did not openly hold the president in utter contempt. There are always some who will blindly follow a charismatic leader and blindly execute orders even though illegal or immoral. However, there comes a time, when obedience to higher authority demands disobedience to a temporal one which has become corrupt, immoral, and yes even illegal. I believe that to be the
case in the current situation. Contrary to the administrations press releases, I believe my sentiment is the majority opinion among soldiers.

In his farewell address, George Washington said, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness … the mere politician … ought to respect and cherish them. … Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality
can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. … Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?” This president and many of his supporters have subverted the pillars upon which this nation was established. If there are still moral men in congress , it is my prayer that they will impeach Bill Clinton. If there are still moral men in the senate, it is my prayer that they conduct a trial and convict him. As members of the House or Senate, they swore to defend the Constitution; Just as I and many soldiers responded to our nation and swore to defend it at arms. The soldiers carried out their responsibility. The members of the House and Senate can do no less than carry out theirs. To do otherwise will bring eternal shame upon themselves and their office and dishonor those who served, fought and died. I urge them not to shirk that duty.

In 26 years as a commissioned officer in the United States Army I have never seen the morale of the Army as low as it is today. I and those I know, attribute the disintegration of the military and the morale of its personnel directly to the current president and his administration. Not even during the worst days of the Carter administration when I walked through the buildings at the Army Infantry Center and saw paint peeling from walls, and budgets reduced to the point where training ammunition and diesel were in short supply have I seen such deplorable conditions as exist today. Recently walking through several installations I am again struck by the evidence of decay. There are brand new “nurseries” and five screen theaters (tributes to social experimentation), but there is again shortage of dollars for parts,
ammunition, and fuel. The infantry officer advanced classes are half the size they were 15 years ago, and the students are first lieutenants and not seasoned captains. The infrastructure and seed corn has been wasted. I’m sure you have seen David Hackworth’s commentaries recently. He is right.

The conditions are even worse now than during the Carter years. The Army is smaller than at any time since 1937. Any astute student of non-revisionist history will tell you what happens consistently every time such conditions exists. Our history of first battles is replete with the death of young men killed because they were ill prepared, ill equipped or simply too few to deal with the initial surprise of the enemy.

Desert Storm was an anomaly. We had six months to build up a sufficient force. And remember, during Desert Storm, the Army was 16 divisions strong, 835,000 men. Now it is half that size and we don’t have the transport capability to get it anywhere in sufficient force quickly.

It is the current president who has presided over the demise of what was at the beginning of his tour a superb military, a military which was capable of national defense. When the president talks of reducing government more than any other administration, he is not talking about reducing the fat, the bloated bureaucracy, the agencies choking the life out of America’s business, taxing the average American to death, and enforcing his “new” morality.
No he knows what he has reduced. It is the ability of America to defend herself. The average citizen does not realize how the president ” reduced government,” but the soldier does. It is the soldier who deploys more now then in the past 30 years to do social work around the world. The soldier knows that every time he sees the commander and chief opening his mouth he is lying about something.

It is Bill Clinton and his administration, aided and abetted by Democrats and
Republicans alike, who voted against an adequate missile defense and presided over the dismantling of carrier battle groups, airforce fighter squadrons, and divisions’ worth of ground forces all needed to preserve America’s defense. Someone said “to insure peace, prepare for war.” This administration has done just the opposite. I do not exaggerate when I say that the blood of Americans will be on the hands of this president and his lackeys before too many years and then the finger pointing will start on Capitol Hill.

And speaking of bloody hands, it is the president who has innocent blood on his hands as we speak. He is part of that group from the sixties who attacked the republic, who hated the
Army, dissenters who referred to American soldiers as “baby killers” as they went to fight in the jungles of Vietnam. But in fact, it is Bill Clinton ,not the soldiers, who fits the label of baby killer. It is the president who vetoed the Partial Birth Abortion Bill. Not once but twice. Talk about baby killers! The man is a hypocrite, a coward and a liar.
I will be accused of being gross and obscene in talking about this specific and sensitive issue. But what is obscene is allowing such procedures to occur at all. A civilized society would not allow it. Nor would such a society condone the pervasive immorality that fosters such disregard for life . Failure to talk about it outside of euphemisms simply salves the conscious of all concerned. But Bill Clinton’s continued support of such grotesque destruction of innocent life provides insight into his world view and his “morality.”

What kind of person could support such a man as the head of the nation?

The answer I am afraid is disgustingly evident. It is not the hard working men and women who are forced to pay confiscatory taxes, or those who truly believe in the republic, and capitalism, and free enterprise, nor is it the average soldier, sailor, or airman ( though there are a few who support him for his socialistic tendencies). No, it is the recipient of the income redistribution schemes of the president and the Democrats; it is the socialist ideologues; it is those who desire an immoral society which sanctions a debased and degenerate lifestyle, it is those bribed by the dole of
federal handouts in exchange for nothing but their vote.

Allan Bullock wrote of the Third Reich that “the gutter had gained control of a modern state and all its apparatus.” His comment is just as appropriate to our current administration. And Like the Third Reich, the man at the top has a propaganda ministry at his disposal — ours just happens to be the mainstream media acting as the a defacto ministry of propaganda. He has also used the police agencies to attack civilians — the IRS (some of them carry side arms too); and the FBI and BATF. It makes me ill to think that the president illegally obtained 900 FBI files and no one went to jail. One of Nixon’s plumbers went to jail for one file! Is the FBI, IRS, BATF, Commerce Department, Justice Department, Congress, etc., etc. in the
pocket of the president? Are they being blackmailed with info from the FBI files? Or do they just blindly give allegiance to a an individual who exudes the charisma of a cultish but destructive leader. The Germans did that in the ’30s. It appears that some Americans are doing the same thing today.

I’m not through.

You want to know how deeply military men feel about the pathetic excuse for a man in the White House. I’ll tell you how this one feels. Yes he is a draft dodging, pot smoking, whore mongering, adulterous liar. I won’t get fired for saying that like the general in Germany did, though I still don’t think I am outside of his Gestapo like thugs who extract retribution against critics. These moral deficiencies are disturbing in themselves. But such shortcomings, such sins can be repented of. Lifestyles can be altered by going to the foot of the cross to the Messiah who provides forgiveness.
Like St Paul said, there are many of us who were once as guilty of such vile things. Like those Paul referred to, many of us contemporaneously have come to the cross and been changed. Not so with the president. Those who pretend to be in Christ but continue in sin, Paul said not to even sit down to dinner with them, but to avoid them (See First Corinthians 5:11). Continued sinful lifestyle is destructive enough — especially if its from the highest leadership position in the land, the man who sets the example. But that’s not even the greatest threat from this man.

No it is not the reprehensible behavior that shows Bill Clinton to be an enemy of the Constitution. The issues that completely get my hackles up are the ones that have placed this nation in jeopardy: This man approved the waiver to sell satellite technology to China; he approved the transfer of control of sensitive technology from the State Department to the Commerce Department under Ron Brown. Now we have Chinese missiles pointed at
American cities and American children. Come on Mr. President, are the children only important to you when they advance your socialist agenda?

Not only do the Chinese have the missiles, but have given the technology to the Indians, and Pakistanis and who knows what other governments. Then when those governments exploded their devices, the president throws up his hands and laments how such things could happen. It is pure and simply a result of his selling national security for his advancement. FOR THIS ALONE THE MAN SHOULD BE IMPEACHED. But it’s not all.

I am not a lawyer. I am not famous. I am not rich. I am not of great renown. But I work hard, have served my country and I can read. I know what the Constitution says. It is evident that the man sitting in the White House is guilty of impeachable offenses. I am sick and tired of hearing the socialist ideologues masquerading as members of the democratic party trying to convince intelligent Americans that the president has done nothing worthy of impeachment. The only thing that could possibly be worse is if enough of the American people have sunk to such debased standards that they want a man in office who mirrors their own vile, perverted lifestyles and wish to have them validated through his continuation in office. … If that is the case then the republic is truly in its death throes.

Twenty six years ago I swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I hold that oath seriously. Am still willing to die to defend it. The horrible reality is that the greatest threat to the Constitution is now an internal one and comes from the president and those like him who would trample on the rule of law. This man has attempted covertly though executive order to completely overturn the relationship of the federal government to the states. Overtly, he constantly attacks my Second Amendment rights. The founding fathers understood that without the Second Amendment, all other rights are simply at the assumed benevolence of the Congress, or the president. I understand its significance only too
well, as do millions of other silent Americans. I will not give up this right; nor will I remain silent any longer, even at the threat of intimidation or economic or audit blackmail, nor even death. The attacks on my rights have gone far enough and they have only intensified under Bill Clinton. The rights enumerated in the Constitution were God given. The government did not give them and the government would do well not to attempt taking them away.

These examples are just two of the myriad attacks of Bill Clinton’s administration on moral Americans. It is his attorney general who fails to prosecute child pornography, anti-obscenity laws and who fails to prosecute the thousands of federal gun control laws which are already on the federal books and violated every day. We don’t need more laws, we need enforcement of those already passed. But then that would not give Billy boy a photo op! There are so many other areas where this man has
flaunted the law. It is his appointee who fails to appoint a special prosecutor to look into the president and vice president’s use of government computers and government phones, on government time in selling their favors to the highest contributors. Yes there is much for which this president could be impeached.

I retired from the active Army on 30 September 1998. I could have stayed in a few more years, but I refused to serve another day under a man who has sold our security to the highest bidder, who has no concept of U.S. sovereignty, who habitually brings dishonor to the office of commander and chief, who refuses to live by the same standards he enforces on the soldiers of the U.S. Army, or the same standards that he hypocritically espoused to prevent his type of behavior in corporate America. The man is not simply a pathological liar but is a threat to the nation.

I’m just an ex-soldier, an average American, and that’s how I feel. Like the early American flag our forefathers raised, my flag has gone up and it says “Don’t Tread on Me.”