Our elected representatives elect representatives

By Jane Chastain

For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? – I Cor. 14:8

Last summer, conservative leaders sat on their hands and said nothing when Republicans in the House of Representatives were getting ready to elect Jennifer Dunn of Washington State the vice-chairman of their conference. “Who cares about the conference leaders? Nobody outside of Washington, D.C. knows about this race. It’s no big deal.”

Last summer no one outside of the Alki state knew who Jennifer Dunn was. Since becoming the fifth most important House Republican, Dunn has become a media darling. Now her colleagues are considering elevating this pro-abortion advocate to House Majority Leader for the pro-life party.

Dunn is attractive and articulate. As the highest ranking female member in the House of Representatives, her face quickly became the symbol for GOP women, but it is the wrong symbol. Most Republican women are dedicated to the principle of equal rights for everyone, and that includes children in the womb.

How did Dunn get the votes of so many pro-life members? Dunn is from a political family. As the cousin of Senator Slade Gorton, she knows that money is a powerful tool. Since coming to the House of Representatives, Dunn has spent a considerable amount of time trolling for campaign cash and passing it out to other members who, then, are beholden to her.

Since Livingston has the speaker’s race all locked up, now the focus is on the Majority Leader’s post where both Dunn and Steve Largent of Oklahoma are vying to unseat Dick Armey. With most of the members still officially uncommitted, you can see that they are conflicted. If you are represented by a Republican in the lower chamber, now would be a good time to let your congressman know how negatively you feel about having Jennifer Dunn as Majority Leader of the House of Representatives.

As for the other leadership races, Majority Whip Tom Delay and Conference Secretary Deborah Price are unchallenged. J.C. Watt of Oklahoma is trying to unseat John Boehner as Conference Chairman. The horse race is for Dunn’s old post of Vice-Chairman of the Conference with Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, Tillie Fowler of Florida, Sue Myrick of North Carolina and Anne Northup of Kentucky all trying for the post. Fowler is a liberal. The others all have good conservative credentials.

However, if Republicans want to elevate a woman in leadership, why not a pro-life woman who is representative of the majority of GOP women, like Sue Myrick or Anne Northup? In fact, why not elevate both? Elect one of these women vice chairman and submit the other for Conference Secretary as a challenge to Deborah Price who also is a pro-abortion advocate.

If our representatives in Congress show so little regard for the life issue when they vote, how can they expect us to care when it comes time for their re-elections.

Jane Chastain

Jane Chastain is a Colorado-based writer and former broadcaster. Read more of Jane Chastain's articles here.