This is the first of an ongoing series of stories based on a seven-month WorldNetDaily investigation into the events surrounding the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson. The investigation includes exclusive interviews, conducted in person and by telephone, with key witness Bill Wasz, now serving time in a high-security prison for other crimes.
Law-enforcement officials ignored — even covered up — significant evidence that a gangster was hired to kill Nicole Brown Simpson, WorldNetDaily has learned.
That evidence and testimony has been in the possession of the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office from the time of the murder and throughout the famous O.J. Simpson trial.
As reported in WorldNetDaily last May, Bill Wasz claims he was hired by Robert Kardashian, O.J. Simpson’s friend and attorney, to kill Nicole Brown Simpson. Wasz says he never intended to carry out the contract hit for which he received partial payment. He says Kardashian first paid him to follow Ms.
Simpson and take pictures of her with other men. He was then offered $15,000 to kill her, Wasz charges. Instead, he says, he stole money from Kardashian and was soon arrested in another crime.
Wasz claims he was replaced as the hired gun by someone else shortly after he was arrested. Police and prosecutors have apparently ignored Wasz’s statements and corroborating evidence, even though Wasz says they knew about everything from the time of the murder.
There have been several attempts on Wasz’s life since his arrest. He has
frequently expressed fear that he would be killed to silence him.
“It’s the cops I’m afraid of,” he said of concerns for his life. But now he believes his only protection is to become as public as he can. He believes the more people who know about him the more difficult it will be for officials to keep ignoring the case. He is hopeful people will write to him in prison, as well as to elected officials to demand that federal authorities investigate.
What are his motivations? Why has he granted seven months of in-depth interviews about every detail of his life? He says he wants justice. He says Kardashian belongs behind bars, and the police and prosecutors who have purposely withheld the truth from the court should be held accountable.
He has at least five more years before he is eligible for parole, and he is working hard to be a new man when he gets out. He is looking for religion, and says he knows he must change if he is to ever have a chance to make it without returning to a life of crime.
In an interview from the Calipatria State Prison in California, Wasz made it very clear that he does not want anything in return for the evidence he has on Kardashian. That evidence not only implicates Kardashian in the Simpson murder, it also includes participation in organized-crime activities. He explains that there is a kind of “honor among thieves,” and he says Kardashian is without that honor.
“I just want to see him go down,” says Wasz. “That’s all. All these guys playing golf in Beverly Hills laughing about me doing 20 freaking years when they have no concept of honor and dignity, where they could, at least, if they’re going to let me do all this time, and if I have this knowledge, they could at least look out for me, which they didn’t. You know what I mean? They have no integrity. I have no qualms at all about helping them go down. I’ve got 20, I’d like to see them do 50. I would really enjoy that. So, that’s all I want.”
“I’m going to do this time and that’s fine,” he said. “I accept that. I can get out in five and a half years. But if they go down with 20 or 30, great. I have peace of mind then don’t I? Then I win regardless whether I’m sitting in this concrete box or not. I win. And that’s what I want to do. I want to win this game.”
“I ripped him (Kardashian) off,” said Wasz. “That was my whole intention at the time. I never had any fondness of the man. A little bit arrogant —
pompous to me.” He believes Kardashian did not help him when he got caught committing thefts on his behalf, so now Wasz wants the satisfaction of seeing Kardashian behind bars.
Wasz has become nothing more than a footnote in the trial of the century. In August 1994, he came forward with an offer to provide evidence that Kardashian paid him to kill Nicole Brown Simpson. By then he was already behind bars, and detectives did a preliminary interview. The police gathered evidence and then painted Wasz as a non-credible witness. The evidence was never presented in court.
Recently, WorldNetDaily was able to obtain copies of the evidence that has been held dormant in the files of the LAPD for over four years. That evidence appears to be more than circumstantial. Regardless of the criminal background of Wasz, the evidence provides facts that support his claims.
Wasz has been discredited by police and prosecutors because he is a convicted felon.
“Well what kind of person do you think gets hired to kill people,” he asked when confronted with the comments made by law enforcement officials. “They don’t hire nice guys to kill someone,” he said with a laugh.
Lawrence Longo, former attorney for Wasz, sent an attorney proffer to deputy district attorney Curtis Hazell, who expressed an interest in the evidence and agreed to interview Wasz. That was in March 1998. By the end of April nothing had happened.
Someone sent a copy of that attorney proffer to WorldNetDaily with a note expressing dismay that the information was being covered up. After an article about the possible cover-up appeared in WorldNetDaily, Longo says Hazell agreed by phone to get the investigation moving. Still, it wasn’t until summer before two detectives showed up at the prison to interview Wasz.
Criminal justice author Joseph Bosco worked with Wasz for a year in an effort to trying to get his story and evidence taken seriously. Both he and Longo gave up their efforts after the interviews. They told Wasz the case was going nowhere.
Since the two interviews, Wasz has not heard from the detectives or the district attorney. He says his attorney and Bosco have abandoned him as well, because the police continue to ignore the evidence.
But this is not just a case of one man’s word against another. There are police records tying Wasz to the surveillance and subsequent murder of Ms. Simpson. Evidence also ties Kardashian and O.J. to Wasz in meetings they had which led to those events. That police evidence has been obtained by WorldNetDaily.
“Every aspect of the story is backed up,” explained Bosco before he abandoned the case. “In other words it can be shown that Wasz did do business with Kardashian, he did sell them cocaine, they did meet at the Roxbury, he did the surveillance of Nicole Brown Simpson on January 6 and 7, 1994. There’s a witness to this. He did turn over two rolls of undeveloped film to Robert Kardashian, taking an envelope with cash in it. There’s proof of that. He did move into the Saharan Motel after being given this assignment to steal Paula Barbieri’s car. We have those records, we have the phone records. It leads right up to January 14, the day Wasz says all this other
business they’ve been through is when Robert Kardashian told him, or gave him, or asked him, or solicited him, however you want to say it, to kill Nicole Brown Simpson. Now understand, there are only two people and God who heard that conversation.”
Because the crime of solicitation to commit murder is so difficult to prove, simply because there are rarely any witnesses, California has a statute to deal with it, according to Longo. In such a case, the jury will be instructed to weigh the evidence surrounding the incident to determine who to believe in a situation where it is one man’s word against another.
Wasz claims that he also has extensive knowledge about organized crime involvements of both O.J. Simpson and Kardashian. He says he has detailed knowledge of why they wanted Ms. Simpson to be killed. He says those motivations did not change just because he went to prison.
The FBI has not contacted Wasz about his information, but he says he wouldn’t be surprised if they do. He says he would be happy to give any federal investigators the evidence he has on the other crimes he claims Kardashian has committed.
“I got a lot. I got a vault. I was pretty deep in it, knowledge-wise,” Wasz explained.
Attempts to reach members of the LAPD or the district attorney have not met with success. Kardashian has also not returned calls to WorldNetDaily.
Interviews with Wasz by phone, and in person at the prison provide extensive details about a man who some call “the last great American gangster.” His life of crime includes selling drugs from one end of the country to the other, running drugs for Pentagon officials, bank robberies, truck hijacking and extensive involvement with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars and executives.
His life of crime also includes supplying drugs to Kardashian, his associates, Ms. Simpson, and even O.J. himself. Kardashian allegedly hired Wasz for other services as well. Wasz says he was already a trusted “hired hand” at the time he was assigned to kill Ms. Simpson.
David M. Bresnahan, a contributing editor for, is the author of “Cover Up: The Art and Science of Political Deception,” and offers a monthly newsletter “Talk USA Investigative Reports.”
He may be reached through email and also maintains a website.
Wasz welcomes the opportunity to respond to letters from the public. He asks those who write to provide paper, and a self-addressed stamped envelope for reply. Bill Wasz #H-64450, D-2 143, P.O. Box 5002, Calipatria, CA 92233-5002.