Forget impeachment, follow security regs

By David Hackworth

North Korea is once again foaming at the mouth with war talk, while our clients in the South are flexing their tongues as well. If both sides are
not careful, they could shout themselves into a holocaust.

The Yankee-backed government of Columbia is about to fall and the stealth U.S. military build-up there is reminiscent of South Vietnam in the early 1960s.

Ex-Yugoslavia is as peaceful as a stroll through a dry gulch filled with rattlers. Kosovo will probably blow before the turn of the year. And what
does Congress focus on?

You got it. To impeach or not to impeach William Jefferson.

Now I may not care much for Clinton, but I do care a lot about his behavior and that of his pals when it comes to security matters.

For six years, Clinton and his loose as a goose Baby Boomers have made a joke out of security. Top secret documents have disappeared, loose lips have told our enemies what our military is going to do before they do it,
and our next heavyweight opponent, Red China, has had more spies in the White House then Clinton’s had interns. Including alleged Chinese spy John
Huang, who had a Top Secret clearance while a Commerce Department big wheel.

Security is so bad in Clinton’s administration that last August when he did his Wag The Tail missile attack against the wrong targets in

Afghanistan and Sudan, there was such a great fear of a leak that even our
senior brass were not told.

Clinton is the nation’s top guy when it comes to security. In fact, he’s the final authority on granting clearances. In one minute, he was able to
authorize his airhead playmate Monica a Top Secret security clearance so

she’d be out of stalking range. This clearance let her play in the Pentagon
amidst our country’s most guarded secrets, escort the Secretary of Defense
from one classified powwow to the next, and spend hours on a non-secure phone with Linda Tripp, who by the way also has a TS clearance.

Monica qualified for a TS clearance like I do a medical degree. Intelligence experts say with her ditzy track record she couldn’t get a clearance to be a latrine orderly.

Now head security honcho Bill Clinton is considering granting convicted spy Jonathan Pollard clemency and letting him walk. Pollard’s the rat who during the cold war provided Israeli with thousands of classified
documents, many of which ended up in Moscow. The only walking he should be allowed to do is to post himself in front of a firing squad.

Perhaps Congress needs to put the impeachment drama on hold and examine whether Clinton is fit to be in charge of our nation’s security.

The same security experts who say Monica should never have been cleared also say Bill Clinton’s track record would put him in the same boat.

During the Vietnam War, for example, he aided our country’s enemies in a war that wounded or killed almost a half million of his countrymen by
visiting Moscow and marching in peace parades in England accompanied by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong flags.

As the governor of Arkansas, eye-witnesses allege he did inhale — cocaine.

As president he did not tell the truth under oath.

He also has had phone sex on a regular basis over White House telephone lines. Lines that are routinely tapped and taped by foreign spies who could threaten to blackmail him.

“Give us your technology or read about Monica and your ‘Oohs and Ahs’ in the Peking press.”

The Chinese have always put heavy importance on subversion. And on spies. That’s why they would have assigned the highest priority to infiltrating
the Clinton White House.

Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, wrote 2,500 years ago: “Spies are a most important element in war, because upon them depends an army’s ability to move.”

If plain citizen John or Jane Doe had been accused of just one of these charges, they would be denied entrance to serve in the United States Armed Forces on the grounds of lack of character and extraordinarily bad
judgment; let alone be given a government security clearance.

I reckon Congress is attacking the wrong objective. Pull Bill’s security clearance and impeachment becomes moot.

David Hackworth

Col. David H. Hackworth, author of "Steel My Soldiers' Hearts," "Price of Honor" and "About Face," saw duty or reported as a sailor, soldier and military correspondent in nearly a dozen wars and conflicts -- from the end of World War II to the fights against international terrorism. Read more of David Hackworth's articles here.