“When you come into the land which the Lord is giving you, you shall not
learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found
among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, or
one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens,
or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or
one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to
the Lord.”
–Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (NKJV)
The following definitions are from The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary:
Abominations — n. disgust. A loathsome act or things.
Passing through fire — The modern version is abortion: n. the spontaneous
or induced expulsion from the womb of a nonvisible human fetus.
Witchcraft — n. sorcery as practiced by a witch or witches. In medieval
times witches were believes to be in league with Satan, from whom they
received supernatural powers, to be guilty of the most hideous vices,
including sexual intercourse with demons, and being responsible for
plagues, diseases of men and cattle, infanticide, and murder of their
Soothsayer — n. a person whose profession was telling the future.
Interpreting omens — n. a phenomenon or occurrence interpreted as a sign
of good or evil to come.
Sorcery — n. the use of magic powers derived from evil spirits.
(Channeling is just one aspect).
Conjuring up spells — n. an incantation, words, which properly chanted or
uttered, are supposed to have magical effect.
Mediums — p. a person credited with special powers for communicating
between the living and the dead.
Spiritists — n. Spiritism — the belief that natural objects have
indwelling spirits.
Calling up the dead — Also seances. n. a meeting of persons, for the same
purpose, esp. a spiritist meeting.
Even before I wrote today’s Investigative Day column, a WND reader Roy L.
Voigt stepped in and commented Monday:
“While I realize that I’m a day early in responding to Kaye’s upcoming
column, just the fact of the following preview makes me want to scream at
the total lack of contextual understanding is shown of Deut. 18:10-12.
NEXT: This age of angel worship, firewalkers (such as Tony Robbins),
sorcerers, astrologers, those who call up the dead, horoscopes, and ouija
“Kaye’s attempts to tie firewalkers (like Anthony Robbins) into the quote
‘anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire.’ This is pure
balderdash!!! If one reads this scripture in the context that it was
intended, then one can see that what is being referred to here is the
practice of worshippers of Molech. The chief defining characteristic or
ritual of this form of worship was that parents would offer up their
children to Molech, who was a huge, cast iron (or other type heat resistent
metal) idol. This idol had a door in the stomach region. A tremendous fire
would be built up inside the idol. Then the parent/worshipper of Molech
would cast the child into the idol, burning the child to death!”
“This is pretty common knowledge (most Bible scholars seem to agree on this
one issue), specially if one truly studies the scriptures with the intent
of understanding them (both on a personal level and on a more contextual
“Just my two cents worth. I am looking forward to the article though to see
if I correctly inferred the gist of the article.”
Sorry, Roy, you jumped too quickly to conclusions that I was tying
motivational speaker Tony Robbins into the “firewalking” genre.
If Robbins with his Power Talks were associated with anything devilish it
would be visualization and self-reliance on self, and not Jesus Christ.
It’s a common theme for motivational types from Robbins, who leads his
followers by walking across a bed of red-hot coals. Ouch! Ouch! Now that
smarts. However, Voigt’s comments fuelled the gray matter in determining
the vilest occult practice: abortion.
Now, Molech followers used a different method in performing infanticide by
placing the new-born on a fiery hot plate, however, is it that much
different that ripping the fetus, a living child, to shreds and then
dumping the remains behind our hospitals.
God have mercy on us all.
Probably one of the most insidious pieces of legislation has been Roe vs.
And while the mainstream media, and I might add, very controlled media, has
deluded America’s population by centering in on a few nuts that have
actually murdered abortionists. One, in particular, is still on the loose
in the hills of the eastern U.S. He’s as guilty, even more so, than those
he committed crimes against.
While savage rhetoric between the two sides erupted throughout the 1980s
and 1990s, there are those that have tried to find solutions — and opened
sanctuaries for these, mostly unwed, mothers-to-be.
In 1984-85, my family decided to take over a bankrupt farm near Edmonton,
Alberta. The purpose was to provide housing and food as well as compassion
and love to these mothers-to-be and their newborn.
After an initial wave of assistance, it quickly died. The finances dried
up. There was nothing to do but close the doors.
It hurt deeply.
The sanctuary has reverted back to a working farm.
This brings us to another abomination: Witchcraft.
In part one of this series, I associated TV hostess Oprah Winfrey with
witchcraft with her constant message of “remembering your spirit.”
However, another reader, Jennifer Young, from Georgia misread that I
believed Oprah was part of the Wicca (witches) religion.
As far as I’m concerned that’s not true.
However, Young wrote a letter to WorldNetDaily Editor Joseph Farah: “I would like to begin by letting you know how much I enjoy reading the WorldNetDaily. Not only do I read it every day, I have included a link from my own home page, labeling your publication “the best investigative reporting in the nation.”
“Being a Libertarian, I agree with many of the conservative opinions
expressed in World Net Daily features. I must also say that I admire your
inclusion of your spiritual beliefs in your Between the Lines columns. Our
religion is integral to who we are and how we live out lives.”
“Having said all this, I must now admit that I was somewhat shaken by the
tone of Corbett’s column about Oprah and Witchcraft. Now, I must admit, I
do not know if Oprah is a professed Wiccan, or Witch, but if she is
spreading her religion, I seriously doubt her sincerity to the Craft .
Wicca is a strictly non-proselytizing religion. If Oprah is indeed a
Wiccan, then she doesn’t worship or spread the message of Satan. Wiccans
don’t believe in Satan, he is the antithesis of the Judeo-Christian God,
and thus a figure in Christianity, not Wicca.
“I know that Wiccan beliefs are quite different from Christian beliefs, but
that is as far as the argument should go. Corbett states that “The Bible
says Jesus is the only way to the Father.” Well, for those who believe in
the Bible, that’s wonderful, but what about those who don’t follow the
words of the Bible? I do not think that Corbett has the right to denounce
the spiritual paths of others because they do not align with his own.
“Yes, some new age pontificating is irrational and annoying. I’m a Wiccan
and I’ll be the first in line to admit there’s some nut cases out there.
However, some of us are trying very hard to develop a strong relationship
with the Creator and to bring up our children in a loving, spiritual, and
moral environment.
“With Monday’s column Corbett has slipped from fallacy into pretension. The
fallacy: The Bible is right because God said so. God is right because the
Bible says so. His pretension: I’m right, you’re not. The truth is that he
believes God and the Bible are right because his faith leads him in that
direction. All religions are a matter of faith, and faith differs with the
“I hope I haven’t misinterpreted Corbett’s column and judged it too harshly.
I admire his testament to his beliefs and his concern for the moral state
of America. His beliefs are his own. Mine are mine. We must agree to
disagree, not denounce.”
Certainly, Young has a right to disagree, but Wicca, even though they claim
not to be Satan’s children, in actuality their practices are in direct
conflict with what Jesus Christ teaches, for they deny He is God in the
flesh. In fact, they ignore Him entirely, instead seem to be more
interested in hugging and worshipping trees.
NEXT: Soothsayers, interpreting omens, sorcery, conjuring up spells,
mediums, spiritists, calling up the dead. Plus: hypnosis, horoscopes,
psychology, and Christian psychology (now there’s an oxymoron).
INVESTIGATIVE DAY — Part 1 Lead us not into temptation, Oprah
Helene and the ‘climate change’ experts
Larry Elder