What the Guard is preparing for

By David M. Bresnahan

Plans for a tell-all warning on a National Guard Website about Y2K computer bug dangers reveals why the guard is making plans for mobilization.

Numerous guard officers have provided information to WorldNetDaily about anticipated problems brought on by computer failures when the date changes to the year 2000. Those officers claim that not enough
is being done to warn the public in time to prepare.

A series of e-mail memos between guard officers was sent to WorldNetDaily. Those memos discussed public relations strategy in light of the articles published by WorldNetDaily.

The messages all encouraged guard members to refrain from talking to the press, and emphasized that the National Guard does not expect any major problems. They are only planning for problems to be

One officer sent an e-mail to the group to suggest that there really are a number of reasons to be concerned. Capt. Tony W.A. Donnelly, sent a message containing the draft of information intended for a National Guard website. The draft is authored by Robert Weber (rank unknown).

It is titled “The Y2K Concept Paper (Draft).” The opening comments point out that the paper is not an official National Guard information paper because it does not provide detailed facts to
support the claims.

“The Year 2000 presents a special situation for the Army National Guard. We know it is coming. We know there is potential for widespread problems, and we know that it will be difficult to
correctly identify the solutions,” warned Weber.

The global positioning satellites now in use by ships, airlines, and many others provides an accurate means to determine an exact location anywhere on the earth. A loss of that system could create significant hazards.

“The first step to understand the magnitude of the problem is to realize that practically any computer code, which contains dates, is susceptible to errors. That includes many normal conveniences,
which we already take for granted. Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation
devices have already been identified as containing a flawed chip, which will not be reliable. One might reasonably ask how dates affect navigation. The fact is that dates are used in computer code
for many reasons that are not always obvious. It is not an easy task to find code with reference to dates, let alone correct it,” explained Weber in the draft document.

Although computer experts are working diligently to repair the date problems in computer programs, there are too many programs that need repair. Only systems designated as “mission critical” will have a
chance to be repaired before the new millennium. The technical problems are not what concerns the National Guard Bureau Y2K Task Force members. Public fear and panic will likely lead to civil unrest.

“For the ARNG (Army National Guard), the more serious problems are not be with the computers, per se, but with public reaction to the failure of many institutions that we normally take for granted.
Basic necessities like sewer, water, and electricity are all prone to experience problems.

“Anything with credit cards, banks, especially ATMs, and gasoline stations with self-serve pumps are all susceptible to errors. The stock market is one of the largest institutions, which is extremely
vulnerable. Even if the NYSE and NASDAQ have their software Y2K compliant, the repercussions from lack of confidence in our institutions could create public discontent.

“The main focus for the ARNG should not be with the technology; it should be with reaction to civil disturbance. The prospects are not for the typical riots like those of the 1960’s involving racial
unrest or anti-war demonstrations. The actions could be less visible. There could be vandalism of ATM machines, or late night attacks on gasoline stations. It will be difficult to determine if
attacks on water supplies are the result of disgruntled customers or actual biological measures. Prisons could become vulnerable to escapes. Air traffic delays could become widespread. Even traffic
lights could malfunction, causing huge highway congestion.

“The problems are not all going to take place at midnight as December 31, 1999 gives way to January 1, 2000. The first potential for Y2K manifestations will occur during the summer of 1999. By
September, there will be the first numerical configuration of 9/9/99. That will be the first of many numerical problems, which could pose difficulty for computer code. There is another event in
October and another in December. Even on January 1, 2000, when people breathe a sigh of relief, because there is no catastrophe, they do not realize that problems will crop up two weeks later, or a
month later when their paychecks or dividends are missing, or their bank statements are totally wrong. That is when the true panic will set in.

“The whole problem is compounded by the existence of any form of computer virus. Many experts believe that Y2K presents the ideal opportunity to unleash malicious code to destroy networks and
hardware. The result is that people trying to correct problems will not know whether it is a Y2K problem or a virus. That will mean delays and continued public unrest as seemingly simple problems go unresolved. It is only natural that people will resort to violence and civil disobedience. That is the challenge facing the ARNG.

“The additional challenges come from other forms of attack that coincide with the difficulties brought on by Y2K. Most people will acknowledge that some disruption of normal business will occur. The
difficulty will also be to identify whether the problem is internal non-compliant code, a virus, or some form of deliberate attack from outside the United States. The ARNG is critically positioned to
assist in that determination. By assessing situations accurately at many different locations around the country, it will enable experts to perform analysis that will provide information to the extent of
problems,” concluded Weber.

David M. Bresnahan, a contributing editor for WorldNetDaily.com, is the author of “Cover Up: The Art and Science of Political Deception,” and offers a monthly newsletter “Talk USA Investigative Reports.”
He may be reached through email and also maintains a website.

David M. Bresnahan

David M. Bresnahan is an investigative journalist for WorldNetDaily.com Read more of David M. Bresnahan's articles here.