Institutions and underworld academics

By Judith Reisman

Thanks to state legislator Woody Burton, the Indiana legislature is
currently debating whether to defund its famous Kinsey Institute at
Indiana University. It is becoming more embarrassing to the people of
the great state of Indiana as more people understand that Kinsey’s
fraudulent sex research was based on his team’s solicitation and use of
child molesters as child sexuality “experts.” These “experts” founded
and have largely shaped and directed the entire field of human sexuality
since Kinsey and continue to do so.

Today the discredited Kinsey Institute staff and alumni, together
with a cadre of admitted pedophiles and pederasts, control the field of
sexology through the nation’s several human sexuality “accrediting”
agencies. Kinsey’s bogus sex findings are increasingly spread by these
disciples, yet on Jan. 30, the Kinsey Institute director, psychiatrist
John Bancroft, announced to the Indianapolis Star: “We don’t have a
monopoly on sex research” anymore.

True, the expose of the Institute’s history of child sex abuse and
fraud has caused concern in the field and thus a shift of the sexology
epicenter from Indiana University to less notorious universities. The
power of the Kinsey Institute seems to be diffusing as two key new sex
research “centers” are in the news more frequently. The first, a more
“respectable” branch was the University of Chicago, where Robert
Michael, Edward Laumann and former Kinsey Institute staffer and Bancroft
buddy, John Gagnon, published their wobbly research, Sex in America
(1994). These 1992 data were recycled and appeared in February 1999 as a
puff piece on “sexual dysfunction.” The authors tipped their flag in
praise of their indispensable cornerstone, Dr. Kinsey when the article
on “sexual dysfunction” was published in the respectable Journal of the
American Medical Association.

The second runner up to the Kinsey Institute crown is the unknown
Center for Sex Research at California State University, Northridge,
dubbed the “Kinsey Institute of the West.” The Northridge Center for Sex
Research founder, Vern Bullough, a self-confessed pedophile and editor
of the “academic” Journal of Paedophilia, is in the sexology mainstream
seeking to legalize adult sex with infants and children.

Northridge University’s Center for Sex Research is continuing the
example set by the Kinsey Institute as an academic institution in bed
with pedophiles and pornographers. It is a scenario right out of the
Godfather: Academics need money and have respectability. Pedophiles and
pornographers of the underworld need respectability and have money. The
Mafioso-like relationship between academic institutions and
pornographers/pedophiles begun at Indiana University continues at

To illustrate how this collegial arrangement works between
respectable academics and the underworld of pedophiles and
pornographers, Northridge
University’s Center for Sex Research used its good state supported
offices to boldly organize an annual “World Pornography Conference,”
August 6-9, 1998. Led by the Center for Sex Research Director, James E.
Ellias, pornography industry leaders and performers met together with
their “academic” pornography colleagues to share and shape future
national pornography and pedophile strategies. In addition to pedophile
Bullough, the World Pornography Conference starred Bullough’s
self-confessed pedophile colleagues John DeCecco, Daniel Tsang and Wayne
Dynes, all professors at other major American colleges and editors of
The Journal of Paedophilia.

Among the list of “unique” presenters was Ralph Underwager, Journal
Paedophilia interviewee and child custody “expert,” who insists
“Pedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose … the
best way to love,” for an appreciative and growing pedophile audience.
Ted McIlvenna, another conference speaker and founder of the Institute
for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in northern California,
contributed an article back in 1977 on “child sexuality” to Hustler
magazine urging legalization of incest and adult sex with children.
McIlvenna’s Institute most generously supplied Hustler’s adult users
with graphic nude child photographs published alongside the article. The
child pornography is published again in an Institute publication
entitled “Meditations on the Gift of Sexuality” and published in 1977. A
nude professor McIlvenna appears in photographs alongside nude Institute
faculty, staff and students in varied combinations of group sexual
congress. These groupings, sans academic euphemisms, are more commonly
known as orgies. Of the 180 reporters said to have covered the
pornography conference, none mentioned the Northridge University’s
Center for Sex Research ties to the underworld culture of child abuse
associated with pedophiles and pornography.

There is nothing exceptional about the pornography industry’s
financial ties to sex science academics. The Kinsey Institute took funds
from pornographers for years and pornographers have funded sex research
as well as sizable salaries to academicians to serve on their advisory
boards or as expert witnesses in courtrooms and legislatures making law
and setting dangerous precedents which injure children. Perjury is a
stock event in sex “science” history. While quietly collecting
pornography payola, Kinsey Institute members falsely told courts and
legislatures that they used a “random” sample of Americans and found
both pornography and adult sex with children harmless. But Kinsey’s
1,400 male sex offenders, 200 sexual psychopaths and hundreds of radical
homosexuals hardly constituted a “random sample” of 1940s American men.

For decades the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality
in San Francisco, led by “academic dean,” Kinsey co-author and sex
partner Wardell Pomeroy, made and sold pornography. Pomeroy publicly
sought funds from the pornography industry to make child pornography
himself. Pornography is part of the academic program of the sexologist.
Coarsening and conditioning “Sexual Attitude Restructuring” pornographic
films and videos were mandated as course work for sexology students
since early 1980. The repetitious viewing of violent and degrading
pornography (Sexual Attitude Restructuring), compulsory by 1982 for
graduation and accreditation, had “desensitized” over 100,000 sexology
students by 1988.

The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality gives
students course credit for class participation in “erotic massage,”
“masturbation,” “fantasy,” and similar, uhhh, studies. The products of
this grim brainwashing become the faculty who design and teach the sex
education curricula for our children, the cultural, political and public
policy leaders of our nation. With such sex “education” filtering down
from the university to general society — post Kinsey 1948 — is it any
wonder that our judges routinely give custody of children to known
sexual abusing parents, as law and public policy become more accepting
of what pedophiles call the “last taboo,” that is, adults having legal
access to our children for sexual purposes?

Judith Reisman

Dr. Judith Reisman is former principal investigator for the U.S. Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention study of child sexual abuse and crimes suborned by "soft" pornography, and author of several books, the newest of which is "Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America." More is available at Reisman's website. Read more of Judith Reisman's articles here.