The Russian surprise

By Samuel Blumenfeld

As is well known, the Russians are superb chess players. They are
well aware of NATO’s geopolitical agenda and are not about to be told by
NATO what they can and cannot do in Kosovo. And so, with the help of
their Yugoslav allies and orders from Gen. Anatoly Kvashnin, the head of
Russia’s general staff and a critic of the peace deal brokered by
Russian special envoy Victor Chernomyrdin, a Russian unit of 200
paratroopers entered Kosovo and reached Pristina, the capital, before a
single NATO soldier had crossed the border into Kosovo. The move not
only took NATO by surprise, but undercut what was to be a total and
exuberant NATO victory.

We’re not sure whether or not Madeleine Albright choked on her dinner
when she heard the news. But she told Strobe Talbott, who had just left
Moscow on a plane, to turn back and once more read the riot act to the
Russians. Talbott, who speaks Russian fluently, no doubt felt a little
flustered at the thought that the Russians had pulled a fast one on NATO
in Kosovo. He’s learning that you can’t control the Russians by merely
shaking your fist with a few billion dollars.

In a sense, the Russians have us where they want us. We can’t deny
them the economic aid they need, because then it would look like
blackmail by NATO and simply confirm their fears that the West wants
hegemony over them. Nor can we threaten them militarily since they also
have nuclear missiles. The Yugoslavs could not retaliate against NATO
bombing, but Russia can and would. Russia’s current weakness should not
be seen as a sign of military impotence. With only 200 paratroopers in
Kosovo, they showed quite dramatically that they are still a force to be
reckoned with.

It is also clear that Gen. Kvashnin acted with the approval of
President Yeltsin, who then promoted the commander of the Russian
contingent in Kosovo, Viktor Zavarzin to the rank of three-star
general. Obviously, the Russian move was planned in case NATO excluded
Russia from participation in the peacekeeping operation because it
refused to put its troops under NATO command. Thus, the Yugoslav
authorities escorted the Russians to the Pristina airport, exactly where
NATO had planned to set up the command post for their force’s commander,
British Lt. Gen. Michael Jackson.

Vladimir Lukin, chairman of the Russian parliament’s foreign affairs
committee, explained, “NATO had impudently decided to turn a U.N.
operation into a NATO operation. Something had to be done, and it
was.” In other words, Russia was acting in behalf of the United Nations
and not merely for its own interests. Interesting that Russia and not
the U.S. or Britain is defending the United Nations position in all of

It is clear that the U.S. and NATO acted in violation of the United
Nations charter in bombing Yugoslavia, which had attacked no one.
Kosovo is a province of Yugoslavia. The latter had a perfect right to
quell an insurrection by ethnic Albanians in its territory. In the case
of Iraq, which had invaded Kuwait, George Bush was able to get U.N.
backing for going to war against Iraq. But in the case of Kosovo, NATO
deliberately ignored the U.N. because of the veto power that both China
and Russia have in the Security Council. Whereas China and Russia were
willing to abide by the U.N. charter, the U.S. and its NATO allies were
not. Apparently, the NATO allies want the freedom to set up their own
New World Order — their own kind of world hegemony — without having to
consult all of those other nations in the U.N.

Why? Perhaps it has a lot to do with the ideology of Cecil Rhodes,
the prime mover of a plan for world government to be dominated by the
Anglo-Saxons. He believed that a federation of English-speaking people,
controlling the bulk of the wealth and the material resources of the
civilized world would be unconquerable by any conceivable combination of
powers. The Review of Reviews of April 1902 wrote,

    It was his distinction to be the first of a new Dynasty of Money
    Kings which has been evolved in these later days as the real rulers of
    the modern world. … But although there have been many wealthier men,
    none of them before Mr. Rhodes recognised the opportunities which wealth
    affords its possessor of ruling the world. …

    He was the founder of the latest of the dynasties which seems
    destined to wield the sceptre of sovereign power over the masses of
    mankind. … Mr. Rhodes was more than the founder of a dynasty. He
    aspired to be the creator of one of those vast semi-religious,
    quasi-political associations which, like the Society of Jesus, have
    played so large a part in the history of the world. To be more strictly
    accurate, he wished to found an Order as the instrument of the will of
    the Dynasty, and while he lived he dreamed of being both its Caesar and
    its Loyola.

Cecil Rhodes died in March 1902 before he could become head of
his Order. But he left specific instructions in his will on how to go
about establishing this Order. In outlining his plan in a letter
written in 1890, Rhodes wrote,

    Fancy the charm to young America, just coming on and dissatisfied
    — for they have filled up their own country and do not know what to
    tackle next — to share in a scheme to take the government of the whole
    world! … What a scope and what a horizon of work, at any rate, for the
    next two centuries, the best energies of the best people in the world;
    perfectly feasible, but needing an organisation, for it is impossible
    for one human atom to complete anything, much less an idea as this
    requiring the devotion of the best souls of the next 200 years. There
    are three essentials: (1) The plan duly weighed and agreed to. (2) The
    first organisation. (3) The seizure of the wealth necessary.

One of the important components of Rhodes’ plan was the creation
of the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford whereby the “best souls” could be
recruited to further the progress of the Order and its plan. Strobe
Talbott as well as Bill Clinton are Rhodes Scholars. In an article
entitled “The Birth of the Global Nation” published in Time, July 20,
1992, Talbott wrote:

    The big question these days is, Which political forces will
    prevail, those stitching nations together or those tearing them apart?
    Here is one optimist’s reason for believing unity will prevail over
    disunity, integration over disintegration. In fact, I’ll bet that
    within the next hundred years (I’m giving the world time for setbacks
    and myself time to be out of the betting game, just in case I lose this
    one), nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will
    recognize a single, global authority.

Strobe is on the mark according to Rhodes’ timetable. The plan
has been in effect for about 100 years, with 100 more years to go. The
Order already controls the wealth of the world. Now, if it can keep
recruiting the “best souls” (like Bill and Strobe) to complete the job,
Rhodes’ dream of world government may indeed be realized. The only
problem is that human nature won’t let it happen.

Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of eight books on education,
including “NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education.” His books are
available on

Samuel Blumenfeld

Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of eight books on education, including: "Is Public Education Necessary?" "NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education," "The Whole Language/OBE Fraud" and "Homeschooling: A Parents Guide to Teaching Children." His latest is "Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children." Back issues of his incisive newsletter, The Blumenfeld Education Letter, are available online. Read more of Samuel Blumenfeld's articles here.