- “Economics is not the central problem of this century. It is a
relative problem which can be solved in relative ways. Faith is the
central problem of this age.”
–Whittaker Chambers, Witness, 1952.
Conservatives today often speak of a “post-communist” world.
Then, in the next breath, they lament the fact that communism’s collapse
in the former Soviet Union has not been echoed in the Ivy League towers
of professorial America. With Communist China now in possession of most
of our nuclear and military technology, these conservatives would do
well to ask themselves why communism’s epitaph is not yet chiseled in
its headstone. The answer matters for humanity.
Whittaker Chambers understood and articulated communism as no one
else has since. Perhaps that is because he made the personal journey
there; later, battered and bruised, he reemerged to pay the price for
freedom, becoming a witness to the central conflict of our century:
- I have sought, too, to report, more painfully, how out of my
weakness and folly (but also out of my strength), I committed the
characteristic crimes of my century, which is unique in the history of
men for two reasons. It is the first century since life began when a
decisive part of the more articulate section of mankind has not merely
ceased to believe in God, but has deliberately rejected God. And it is
the century in which this religious rejection has taken a specifically
political form, so that the characteristic experience of the mind in
this age is a political experience. At every point, religion and
politics interlace, and must do so more acutely as the conflict between
the two great camps of men — those who reject and those who worship God
— become irrepressible. Those camps are not only outside, but also
within nations.
It has always been amusing to me that so many liberals are
tolerant to a fault of crime, moral degeneracy, personal failure, ethnic
and religious rituals in general — yet they become flamingly intolerant
at the first mention of the Judeo-Christian God. It is almost as if one
had asked a Jew or a Muslim to abandon his faith and convert to
In fact, it’s worse. Any mention of God attacks the liberal’s cozy
secular faith — faith in man, and all that it entails. Faith that man
is the highest authority, the purest, most unbiased judge, and the most
righteous creature ever to arise from the primordial slime. Nothing that
could shatter that precious faith can be allowed to penetrate the heart
or mind.
Therefore, 30-million dead babies is a reasonable price to pay for a
“woman’s right to choose whatever she pleases,” and the police must haul
away those protesting her sacrifice to Baal in
the abortion temple. Therefore the evidence that evolution is confined
to the specific (adaptation within the species) must be twisted and
applied to our origins, and competing philosophies (man as God’s
creation) must be denied a hearing in the public schools. Even the full
title of Darwin’s book must be suppressed: “Origin of the Species by
Means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favored Races in the
Struggle for Life.”
Thus two things have become non-negotiable: Religious teachings must
be kept out of the schools — even if it means that deprived of a moral
base, kids will be killing one another with increasing frequency. The
liberal’s faith admits of no way to tell kids they are wrong, because
his fanatical secularism has already pronounced all views as equally
worthy (God’s excepted). Secondly, because the liberal’s faith does not
permit the damage to be stopped through the teaching of historical
truth, the damage must be contained.
This is why the liberal howls for “gun control” in the aftermath of
tragedies like Littleton. The world, you see, must be made to conform to
his distorted view of reality, no matter what the cost.
Facts do not matter. Reason does not matter. And our children do not
matter. My god said it, I believe it, and that settles it.
WATCH: Mark Levin with Newt Gingrich: We’ll win by outworking and out-arguing our competitors
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