Checking your PC hardware

By WND Staff

The good news is that if you are using a Macintosh computer it is already year-2000 ready — at least at the hardware level. If you are using an IBM or IBM-compatible, you will have to check the system — and soon considering that there are fewer than 30 days left until the millennial rollover.

Many utilities are now available to test your computer; one I recommend is Test2000. You can download it from I do not recommend setting the clock forward to 12/31/99 at 11:55 p.m. and letting it roll forward. Most users won’t experience any problems, but some systems have produced unexpected results when this is done.

Don’t assume that just because you have bought a new computer that it is ready for the next century. Many recently shipped computers have been infected with the Millennium Bug. If you are in the market for a new machine, make sure that you get the manufacturer to guarantee in writing that the computer is year-2000 compliant. If they won’t do so, find another manufacturer.

Generally speaking, the process of making your hardware compliant is as simple as downloading a software patch from the manufacturer’s website or ordering the patch on disk over the phone. Here is a list of the more popular hardware manufacturers with links to the year 2000 sections of their websites: