America’s most wanted: Just tune in the Sunday talk shows

By Larry Klayman

Like a bad rerun of Bill Murray’s “Groundhog’s Day,” last Sunday’s
political talk shows rolled out one scandal figure after another,
underscoring why the elite establishment media does not represent the
American people, only their ethically challenged and morally bankrupt
coterie of compromised Washington insiders.

First there was Fox News Sunday, which showcased Newt Gingrich,
recently hired as a political “contributor.” As revealed last week on
The Judicial Watch Report, our group’s new
nationally syndicated radio show, by former Congressman Bob Dornan, “the
Newt” was indeed a contributor, to the bipartisan cover-up of the
Clinton scandals in Congress. According to Dornan, the Newt’s current
girlfriend, Callista Bisek, had worked for Steve Gunderson, the liberal
Republican and admittedly homosexual member of Congress who has “outed”
himself in the last few years. Gunderson, it seems, ratted to his friend
Barney Frank about the Newt’s affair, resulting — according to Dornan
— in the former speaker’s “chain being pulled” each time he made a move
to investigate a new Clinton/Democrat scandal. The result: the Newt was
blackmailed into not taking meaningful action to clean up the wholesale
corruption in this administration.

If this was not enough, Fox News’ encore was to bring on Jesse
Jackson, fresh not only from allegations that he had used the recent
Decatur, Ill., school rumble to try to reinvigorate his sagging image,
but also charges that he and his son, Jesse Jr., participated in a
scheme to launder foreign funds from John Huang’s sugar daddies, the
Riadys, into junior’s congressional campaign accounts.

Of course, neither character was asked substantial questions about
these matters, lest it ruin a perfectly beautiful autumn day in the
nation’s capital.

Not to be outdone, Tim Russert’s and NBC’s “Meet the Press” countered
with Secretary of Commerce Bill Daly — son of the previous mayor of
Chicago, Richard Daly — whose family perfected the art of political
bribery, debating James Hoffa Jr., son of the former union mob leader,
Jimmy Hoffa, now rumored to have a permanent box seat in Giant’s
stadium. The topic of debate: Free trade vs. Protectionism. While Hoffa
seems to be trying in earnest to clean up the Teamsters union, Daly can
hardly claim to be doing similar good deeds in the Clinton Commerce
Department — scene of previous crimes masterminded by Hillary Clinton
and executed by former Secretary Ron Brown, including but not limited to
the sale of seats on trade missions and export licenses to campaign
contributors to the Democratic Party.

The problem is, not long after taking his new post at Commerce, Daly
gave $10,000 cash awards to the individuals who obstructed Judicial
Watch’s lawsuit which uncovered the first seeds of the
Chinagate/campaign finance scandal. While the payment of hush money is a
bit more sophisticated 27 years after Watergate, new laundering
techniques also highlight the differences between Democrats and
Republicans — the Clinton administration insists that government monies
be used, while the Nixon administration held out for purely private
funds. Vive la difference!

But Russert and NBC could not stop there. In a repeat performance of
“Heckle and Jeckle,” the two birds of a feather, James Carville and Mary
Matalin, returned to continue the charade of their alleged ideological
differences. Judicial Watch’s lawsuits have uncovered that Carville’s
smear operation, dubbed the Education Information Project, was actually
run out of the couple’s home, proving that absence does not make the
heart grow fonder, particularly for Ken Starr, Bob Barr and everyone
else who has been defamed and/or destroyed by Carville. By the way,
Russert could not find time to ask “Mr. Congeniality” about the slander
lawsuit which Gennifer Flowers filed against him and ABC’s George
Stephanopoulos last week. Instead, the show ended with “family hour,” as
Russert fawned over the couple’s innocent young children. One was only
left to wonder where they all went for brunch.

“This Week With Sam and Cokie,” on ABC, was hardly less entertaining,
pitting Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican First Amendment,
anti-campaign finance reform stalwart, against the Democrat sex symbol
and Patricia Duff chaperon Robert Toricelli. The only thing the two had
in common was that they both took campaign money through Chinagate
figures. It is no wonder they both breathed a heavy sigh of relief when
the independent counsel law was allowed to die.

Last but not least was CNN’s “Late Edition,” where Wolf Blitzer
showcased Harold Ickes. Fresh from having threatened to defecate on
Judicial Watch’s conference room floor during a deposition last year,
the previous White House Deputy Chief of Staff — and winner of the
“Forget Me Not Award” for 1999 (he has a nasty habit of losing his
memory when placed under oath) — extolled the virtues of his good
friend, Hillary Clinton, who he is shepherding through the New York
Senate race minefield. Never mind that “poor Harold,” who previously
represented reputed mafia figures when in private legal practice, has
been implicated by Nolanda Hill, the former business partner of Commerce
Secretary Ron Brown, as having previously executed (no pun intended) the
scheme devised by Mrs. Clinton, and approved by the President, to
illegally sell seats on taxpayer financed trade missions, as well as
other government perks. Wolf, who knows full well Harold’s sad history,
was, as always, a gentleman — no doubt encouraged by CNN president, and
Lincoln Bedroom overnighter, Rick Kaplan’s edict to never use the words
“Clinton scandal.”

The elite establishment media of the Sunday talk shows, always
accommodating to their “Sabbath brunch-time friends,” but never much
concerned about restoring ethics, morality and respect for the law,
continue their charade of fair and full reporting, as the country sinks
further into an abyss of corruption. Not invited to the Sunday talk
shows are those who are trying to clean up the mess; the judges, jurors
and public interest advocates who are doing the heavy lifting — despite
a constant barrage of condescension from the beautiful people of the
media elite.

But not all establishment types have done the country a bad turn;
thanks to Al Gore, who “invented” the Internet, there are now
alternative news sources, like,,, and to get the news. And, there is
Judicial Watch and the new radio show,
The Judicial Watch Report, and its upcoming syndicated “60
Minutes” style television show, to fill the void.

But if you want to avoid a trip to the Post Office to get updated on
the “Ten Most Wanted List,” you can always watch the Sunday political
talk shows.

Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "It Takes A Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Read more of Larry Klayman's articles here.