The ‘Battle in Seattle’: Plus, EgyptAir 900 developments buried

By Geoff Metcalf

Thomas Jefferson once observed, “If a Nation expects to be ignorant
and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never
will be,” adding that “if we are to guard against ignorance and remain
free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” These
days that is not an easy task. However, between the symbiotic
relationship of the “New Media” of cyberspace, and talk radio, “the
truth is out there.”

I only get one day a week to contribute to WorldNetDaily. A constant
frustration is trying to decide which atrocity du jour, or which assault
on freedom, which abrogation of liberty, or which cancer growing in the
nexus of the republic’s troika of truth, justice and the American way
should be my focus.

This week is especially challenging, and frankly beyond my capacity
to synthesize in a thousand words. We look back on target-rich terrain:

  • The “Battle in Seattle” with its conflicts both “real and
    promulgated” and government propaganda/misinformation.

  • A United States city bans citizens from possessing gas masks.

  • Belated information on EgyptAir Flight 990 suggests an
    “explosion” in the tail section prior to crash.

In the shadows created by the World Trade Organization finesse
in Seattle, citizens of a city were banned from owning gas masks.
Events were massaged, manipulated, and edited to create a fiction
significantly different from the reality, which is being ignored. Every
other week some initialed bureaucrat warns of chemical or biological
threats from terrorism. However, it has become illegal to own a gas
mask? Hell, government doesn’t want to acknowledge your inalienable
right to defend yourself, although they reluctantly admit it is not
government’s job to protect you. It will probably next become illegal
to own bulletproof glass or to hold your breath.

The Battle in Seattle surrounding the World Trade Organization was a
contrived, manipulative, orchestrated finesse to divert our attention
from reality to the media-managed perception. In his “Disarming the New
World Order” Michel Chossudovsky says that “the government put a lot of
effort into making sure the protesters in Seattle were a ‘loyal
opposition’ who wanted to reform the WTO, not get rid of it.” But the
people in Seattle (and it was an eclectic, diversified, strange
collection of political bedfellows) were not for reforming the WTO. They
were for getting rid of it. The paid protesters accomplished the task
they were hired to achieve (although few of them may have even been
aware of the role they played). Media heeled like a puppy zapped with a
shock collar and massaged the story to produce an end product that was
“just right” (and flat-out wrong).

One observer on the scene noted, “So the government instigated a
‘riot’ to discredit the government against the WTO because they couldn’t
dilute it.”

The first two days there wasn’t ANY violence. Zero, ziltch. Nada.
From Sunday to around 4 p.m. on Tuesday physical damage to the city
totaled one broken window at a McDonalds.

The tone and action took a turn for the worst Tuesday when police
went through both an attitude and tactics adjustment. Whether the bad
judgment was a product of brain flatulence or intentional malice, the
results were predictable.

Long ago and far away I used to teach riot control tactics. It was
always standard operating procedure to create an avenue of egress for
protesters to escape through. That apparently was not the SOP for
Seattle. When they caught protesters between buildings and walls of
police they could easily have arrested and detained this small number of
people and ended it. However, instead, in Seattle they would gas them
and let them go. A process they repeated several times for over six

Several unrelated, eyewitness, contemporaneous reports suggested this
was a stage managed, manipulated photo opportunity intended to
manufacture a fiction designed to overshadow reality. And the media
appeared to be an enthusiastic co-conspirator.

Consider this: A school shooting involving a couple of kids results
in live, on the scene, unedited contemporaneous coverage. However, a
major metropolitan city is a scene of civil unrest over an international
trade dispute/resolution bureaucracy, and all coverage is edited,
packaged, and filtered to support a disinformation campaign.

One of the ignored on the scene observers stated, “This whole thing,
this police attack, this was U.S. foreign policy, not some action
decided by some bureaucrat in Seattle. This was the State Department.
They wanted to discredit the people.” Madeline Not-so-bright strikes

Meanwhile, a Maine business that touts itself as the world’s leading
retailer of gas masks is planning to file suit against the city for
banning the devices during the violent protests over the World Trade
Organization meeting. Mark Miclette, founder and president of Gas Masks
Inc., said he will challenge the ban on constitutional grounds and
because it violates federal law. “It’s a direct violation of the
Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996, which allows Americans to carry
gas masks, and it’s unconstitutional,” said Miclette. “The city doesn’t
have the right to suspend the law just because of an incident in the
town.” Mayor Paul Schell declared the ban on gas masks as part of the
civil emergency plan issued Wednesday when protests against the World
Trade Organization escalated to citywide rioting.

OK, so all this attention has been focused on street riots of dubious
origin for a variety of alleged reasons to protest a bad organization,
which is only one small component of an ever-worse General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade. Probably 90 percent of folks hearing about the
Seattle Battle don’t know jack about foreign trade, GATT, NAFTA, or
secret incontestable dispute resolutions.

Guess what epiphany was buried in the assorted sound and fury?
Almost a month after the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990, government
officials are now officially (in a kind of stage whisper) stating
that the tail section of Flight 990 was severely damaged by an
Gosh, oh, gee golly! They just figured that out? Why
would they hold that significant piece of information from the public
until after Thanksgiving? Why wait for people to be distracted with the
holiday frenzy? Why create and manipulate a Seattle dog-and-pony show?
Does anyone really believe the federal government did not know
about Flight 990’s tail section being “severely damaged” by an explosion

The Egyptians sure haven’t given any credence to the official U.S.
fiction. Egyptian President Mubarak and the Egyptian government don’t
accept the U.S. spin. They reportedly feel that the plane was
intentionally destroyed by an explosion within the territorial waters of
the U.S. They reject any sinister involvement in any way on the part of
any EgyptAir crewmembers. They want an explanation like breath.

There are days (and this is one of them) I get the feeling the
would-be controllers presume to treat us like mushrooms. You know: Keep
us in a dark, cool place and feed us BS.