The Supreme Court and November

By John N. Doggett

Partial birth abortion is OK according to this Supreme Court.
Student-led school prayers are unconstitutional according to this
Supreme Court. Elian’s mother died in vain according to this Supreme
Court. In fact, this court almost forced the Boy Scouts to accept
homosexuals as scout leaders.

A sharply divided court decided each of these cases. Each of these
decisions affects crucial American values.

Do you like how the Supreme Court decided these cases? Well, hold
onto your hat. Because if Al Gore is our next president, today’s court
will look like an ultra-conservative court by the time he finishes
remaking it into his image.

In November, we will elect a new president. This president will
appoint two or three new Supreme Court justices. Those justices will
serve for two-to-three decades. Put bluntly, the next president will
determine the political composition of America’s Supreme Court for a
long, long time.

If Al Gore becomes president, he will pack the court with left-wing
environmental radicals who will be anti-religion, pro-abortion,
anti-family, anti-gun socialists. Do I have your attention?

If you don’t want this to happen, conservatives, libertarians and
Reform Party members are going to have to place America’s survival in
front of their own political “purity.” If you love America and fear Al
Gore, you have no choice but to vote for George W. Bush.

I know that some of you are howling just about now. You are ready to
send me an e-mail accusing me of selling out my principles. You are
dead wrong. In fact, you are worse than dead wrong. You are terribly

If you didn’t vote for President Bush or Bob Dole in 1992 or 1996,
you voted for Bill Clinton. Why? Because both times, Bill Clinton
failed to win 50 percent of the popular vote.

So although most of the voters voted for someone else, Bill Clinton
was elected and reelected because of your political “purity.” Oh yes,
my friends, I know you felt good being voters of principle. But have
you enjoyed what Bill Clinton, “your” president, has done to America?

If you make the same mistake in November, Al Gore is going to create
a socialist government that will make you vomit.

Let me be clear. I am deeply dissatisfied with today’s Republican
Party. It has lost its backbone. It has lost its sense of purpose.
The Republican-controlled Congress has mastered the trick of bending
over and being abused by Bill Clinton. Congress hasn’t protected us
from the treasonous Clinton-Gore administration. And they are the

In spite of my disgust with the Republican Congress, I will vote for
Governor Bush in November for the following reasons. First, he is the
only candidate who will be on the ticket who can beat Al Gore in
November. Second? There is no second.

I know that many people have concerns about Governor Bush. He’s too
liberal for some and too conservative for others. He’s too practical
for some and too rigid for other.

Let me tell you something. I have known George W. Bush for seven
years. We don’t always agree, but I’ll tell you this: George W. Bush is
the only person who has the intelligence, commitment, discipline and
values to turn America around.

If you have any military experience, you know that when you start
shooting with real bullets, people will die. You also know that the
only way to win a war is to accept the reality that some very good
people will die. You don’t want them to die, but that is the price of

You know that in most wars, you will lose some battles. The key is
to win more battles than your enemy. They key is to kill more of them
than they kill of yours. The key is to be the one who is in control
when the shooting starts.

Politics is no different. The problem is that some “purists” don’t
understand that control of the government is an all or nothing
proposition. Like real war, there is no second place. If we don’t win,
we lose.

The Supreme Court is just one area of concern. Our next president
will have 8,000 appointments. Not only will he appoint new members of
the Supreme Court, he will also appoint every cabinet member. He will
appoint hundreds of federal Judges. He will appoint every U.S.
attorney. He will appoint every ambassador and a myriad of other
governmental officials who will control the levers of America’s
government for the next four years.

We have seen the tragedy that Bill Clinton’s appointments have meant
for America. Do you want four more years of the same?

If you don’t like what Bill has done, we must defeat Al Gore in
November. If you want a Supreme Court that will protect America from a
socialist takeover, we must defeat Al Gore in November. If you love the
American dream, we must defeat Al Gore in November.

Go ahead and call me names if you want. But remember this: The only
way to beat Al Gore is to vote for George W. Bush, the only candidate
who can beat Al Gore.

John N. Doggett

John Doggett is a business school professor, management consultant and lawyer who lives in Austin, Texas. In 1998, Talkers Magazine selected John as one of the 100 Most Influential Radio Talk Show Hosts in America . In 1997, Headway Magazine selected John as one of the 20 Most Influential Black Conservatives in America. Read more of John N. Doggett's articles here.