Johnny Chung on Fox today

By Julie Foster

Johnny Chung, an exclusive columnist for, will discuss
his recently received

hand-written fund-raising solicitation
from the Gore campaign on Fox News Channel’s Hannity & Colmes tonight.

A former Clinton-Gore fund-raiser, Chung received the solicitation letter from Gore’s campaign manager, Donna Brazile. The hand-written portion of the letter states, “Mr. Chung, your contribution of $250, $500 or more will help ensure victory in November,” and was signed in ink by Brazile.

The Gore campaign has still not commented on the apparent blunder, which was

reported in WND.

Hannity & Colmes, a fast-paced discussion forum for controversial topics with high-profile guests, airs weekdays at 9 p.m. Eastern, 6 p.m. Pacific, and repeats at 2 a.m. Eastern, 11 p.m. Pacific. Guests and topics are subject to change.

Julie Foster

Julie Foster is a contributing reporter for WorldNetDaily. Read more of Julie Foster's articles here.