Everybody knows Vincent Foster killed himself in Fort Marcy Park July
20, 1993. Right?
I mean, this has been the most thoroughly investigated suicide in the
history of the world. Right?
There’s no evidence to suggest any foul play in the death of Bill
Clinton’s first deputy White House counsel. Right?
In fact, the evidence is overwhelming that Vincent Foster was
suicidal and took his own life for reasons no one will ever understand.
That’s the conventional wisdom on the mysterious death of Vincent
Foster. For people who have never bothered to scratch the surface of
this case by reading the hilarious yet infuriating reports of the
pseudo-investigations, the case is closed. Only conspiracy nuts would
bother harping on a tragedy like Foster’s “suicide.”
But yet again, as it has so many times in the last seven years, the
Foster case is back in the news. There are new developments, new
wrinkles, that illustrate just how incompetently this case was
investigated by a series of political operatives — from FBI agents who
had an agenda other than solving a crime, to Special Counsel Robert
Fiske, hand-chosen by Attorney General Janet Reno, to Kenneth Starr, a
man compromised by his law firm connections every bit as much as those
he was allegedly investigating.
The latest “overlooked” evidence to emerge in this case was
reported by WorldNetDaily yesterday. It turns out Foster’s computer was never properly impounded or searched for clues into his death. Only now, years after the suicide conclusion has become a matter of blind faith, do we learn that Foster made a date with his wife the night of his death.
The trouble with these investigations from the start was that they assumed suicide and then searched only for evidence that would support such a conclusion.
When a prosecutor inside Starr’s office, Miquel
Rodriguez, bucked that trend and began conducting an honest probe, he
was summarily dismissed from the case.
We may never learn the truth about what happened to Foster because of the deliberate, unconscionable evidence-tampering that has taken place. But for anyone who takes a serious look at the forensic evidence in the case, one thing is clear — Foster did not kill himself in Fort Marcy Park.
For one thing, his car,
according to reliable eyewitness Patrick
Knowlton, arrived in the park after the official time of death. No bullet was ever found — even though investigators dug up the park and found plenty of other rounds, even dating back to the War Between the States. There was little dirt on Foster’s shoes, suggesting he didn’t walk into Fort Marcy Park but was carried.
I could go on and on. There’s a wealth of information on this newssite on this subject — more than three years of news stories and columns. My involvement in this story predates WorldNetDaily and helped land me on Clinton’s enemies list.
Which, in itself, poses an interesting question: If investigating Vincent Foster’s death is nothing but a wild goose chase, why is there such sensitivity about it in the White House? Why were high-level operatives raiding his office for documents the night his body was found rather than mourning their “good friend”?
And now we learn that the first official investigator, Fiske, never even bothered to seize Foster’s computer as evidence. As a result, Foster’s hard drive bounced from one official’s hands to another’s — repeatedly breaking the chain of custody.
If it weren’t so tragic, it would almost be humorous. But don’t believe for a moment that the Keystone Kops were running the show.
Critics of the handling of the Foster investigation say the initial failure to secure and search Foster’s computer further undercuts claims that the circumstances surrounding his shocking death were thoroughly investigated.
Believe it or not, only now are key witnesses getting grilled. One former White House computer specialist is just now scheduled to testify about Foster before a federal grand jury today on what he knows.
Maybe we don’t know nearly as much as we think we know — about Vincent Foster’s death, and a whole lot more. Maybe we’ll never know. Or maybe we’ll have to wait for historians to ferret out the truth about the most corrupt U.S. administration that ever was.
Israel isn’t listening to Biden – thankfully
Victor Joecks