Clinton-Gore criminality unmatched by Bush

By Jon Dougherty

The “big news” on Friday was that GOP presidential nominee George W.
Bush was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol nearly
25 years ago
during Labor Day weekend in Kennebunkport, Maine.

Not quite “breaking news,” but in a desperate Gore camp, I suppose
anything’s worth a try at this late stage of the Election 2000 game.

Though others have already said as much, allow me to add my great,
big yawn to the growing list of great, big yawns over this
yawner of a news story.

While I’m at it, let me add another revelation: Bush’s DUI
“revelation” will make no difference to voters tomorrow at the polls. I
haven’t a clue as to who will win, but with less than 24 hours before
voting begins, “outing” a candidate’s DUI conviction that occurred over
two decades ago is anything but an earth-shaker and is not likely to
change many minds.

The Democrats — who calculated the “release” of this “news” very
carefully, I am convinced — have only themselves to blame for the Bush
DUI revelation’s lack of traction among voters. That’s because as a
group — and for nearly a decade — they hid, lied, covered up, denied,
or shrugged off much worse in the way of scandal and violations
of the law committed by the very Democratic Clinton-Gore regime.

The scandal “shock factor” has long been lost. I hate that, but
that’s the way it is, and it’s because of the awful behavior of the
worst bunch of liars, hypocrites and social misfits ever to darken an
American presidency.

As far as Bush is concerned, he got tipsy and got behind the wheel of
a car 24 years past. I agree that’s wrong no matter how you look at it;
as a paramedic in my former life, I’ve seen way too many dead, battered,
broken and torn bodies as a result of some drunk moron who climbed in
behind the wheel of a 2-ton weapon he or she could not see clearly
enough to drive.

But that kind of drunken scenario does not come close to the one Bush
has so readily admitted to. And you’ll notice he owned up to this
immediately — not months later (or never).

Meanwhile, there is still a wealth of scandalous garbage the
Clinton-Gore regime has never fessed up to — and never will
because, as Gore said, there is “no controlling legal authority” forcing
them to do so.

For example, there is quite a bit of difference between Bush’s
barely-over-the-limit blood alcohol content and selling this government
to the Chinese, Indonesian and Russian governments.

Driving under the influence is wrong, but wrong too is accepting
foreign campaign money — then lying about it, then appointing a paper
attorney general who acts as a gatekeeper to prevent battalions of
investigators from discovering the truth.

Being tipsy behind the wheel of a car is dangerous and could kill
someone. Allowing U.S. nuclear weapons secrets to be stolen while you
look the other way or facilitate the transfers with edicts and decrees
could kill tens of millions.

The “other woman” with Bush that night was his sister. The “other
woman” Bill Clinton was caught with was a barely-legal White House
intern who was not his wife — and that’s just for starters. It’s
relevant because after being busted for it, Gore called Clinton “one of
the greatest presidents” in U.S. history.

Driving while intoxicated is predatory. The Clinton-Gore regime is
filled with predators.

Bush broke a DUI law in the most minor of ways. Some have charged the
Clinton-Gore administration with high treason.

Bush hasn’t drunk in 14 years. Clinton and Gore are drunk with power
24-7 and have committed egregious (and obvious) violations of law in the
highest power centers in the land.

After the kind of despicable campaign Democrats have ran this year,
if Bush was guilty of getting so much as a parking ticket since his DUI
believe me, voters would have known by now.

Perhaps the Gore camp and Democratic activists really thought this
“revelation” would help the vice president. My guess is most Americans
are seeing this charade as exactly that — a charade — and a
poor, desperate attempt to regain some hopelessly lost momentum.

We’ll see tomorrow if it worked or not, I guess.

The bottom line throughout this campaign has been, however, that when
it comes to criminality, Bush doesn’t hold a candle to Clinton-Gore.

Jon Dougherty

Jon E. Dougherty is a Missouri-based political science major, author, writer and columnist. Follow him on Twitter. Read more of Jon Dougherty's articles here.