The price of indiscriminate discrimination

By Hal Lindsey

According to a recent news report, the state of Wisconsin has developed a new plan to discriminate against the Boy Scouts of America by barring payroll taxes to charities that “discriminate” on the basis of sexual orientation.

Orwell would be proud! Only in the kind of world Orwell envisioned in his book “1984” could there be a population so confused by its own language that it could be fooled into believing discrimination is an appropriate method of combating discrimination.

Let’s revisit the word discrimination, again. The dictionary says that to “discriminate” is “To set apart as being different; to mark as different; to separate from another by discerning differences; to distinguish,” and uses as an example, “to discriminate between cows and sheep.”

In the case of the Boy Scouts, they have a policy of “discrimination” according to the dictionary definition. The Boys Scouts have determined that, given their mission to teach young men how to be “good fathers and husbands,” there must be certain necessary qualifications.

The Boy Scouts take an oath:

    On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Therefore, the Boy Scouts do not allow openly avowed homosexuals to lead Scout Troops.

I’m not going to belabor the obvious beyond pointing out that the homosexuals themselves refer to being “straight” as being the opposite of “gay.” Like cows and sheep, the two are different. But nobody among the politically correct is advocating knitting leather sweaters.

Among the politically correct, but otherwise mentally demented, being “gay” is no barrier to teaching Scouts how to be “straight.” At least, it is unworthy of a second glance.

Despite the fact the Supreme Court of the United States has said the Boy Scouts have a right not to accept homosexual Scoutmasters, the politically correct find no problem with also being the legally incorrect and are equally comfortable with state sponsored discrimination, provided it is against the “right” kind of people. They find themselves with moral quandary in arguing that, because the Boy Scouts of America put moral correctness ahead of political correctness, they should not be a charity.

That can only make sense in an America in which “political” is the antonym for “moral.” For example, it is politically correct for Wisconsin to craft a law that outlaws payroll deductions aimed at charities based entirely on that charity’s moral standards.
You know, this is difficult to articulate without going around and around in circles, since the argument makes itself without much help from me.

So it comes down to the question of whether or not homosexuality is harmful to Scouting or at odds with the Scout Oath.

We’ve already seen the inconsistencies between the admission of homosexual Scoutmasters and the oath Scouts take to keep themselves “morally straight.” Since homosexuality is entirely about sex, and since one cannot quite stretch anybody’s definition of homosexuality to fit the word “straight,” and since sex outside of marriage has always been an issue of morality in our society, well, what more needs to be said there?

Then comes the obligation under oath to keep oneself mentally awake. One would not have to stretch any definition in order to see being “mentally awake” as an obligation to think for oneself. Anyone who is mentally awake would see that a boy’s organization is a poor place to advance sex as a form of recreation. Unless it were homosexual sex, and mentally awake people can tell on their own that homosexual sex cannot procreate, is not a part of marriage and is therefore not morally straight.

See how it keeps going in circles once you commit it to writing? Like trying to explain to someone why they shouldn’t hit themselves on the head with a hammer. You’d think it an unnecessary exercise, even if one had never personally experienced what being hit on the head with a hammer is like. You just don’t need to be told in order to know and explaining it sounds ridiculous.

But “politically correct” is a euphemism for state-sponsored propaganda, and if one keeps oneself mentally awake, it doesn’t work.

Last week Joshua McCabe Brown was convicted of being one of two men who brutally raped a 13-year-old boy. If you didn’t hear about it, don’t worry. Hardly anybody in America did. Not if they got their news from ABC (“More Americans get their news from ABC than from any other source”) or NBC or CBS, or the New York Times or the Washington Post. The story was spiked by almost everyone except WorldNetDaily and the two local Arkansas papers. It wasn’t politically correct, like, say the Matthew Shepard murder in Wyoming. The Shepard murder was all over the papers. One journalist, a homosexual himself, did a Nexis search and found 3,007 stories detailing Matthew Shepard’s brutal murder by two heterosexual men. The same search revealed only 46 stories about Dirkhising’s murder at the hands of two homosexual men. The Dirkhising story was not good propaganda.

Jesse Dirkhising had grown up to his measure of 13 years under the tutelage of the politically correct. Apparently, his parents had failed to remain mentally awake and saw no problem when the two men invited the 13-year-old boy to spend the night with them, despite the fact both men were openly homosexual lovers who lived together.

Dirkhising probably was not a Boy Scout.

If he had been, he probably would not have spent his last six hours on earth being sodomized repeatedly while bound about the ankles, knees and wrists with duct tape. He probably would not have spent his last six hours gagged with his own underwear to muffle his screams until finally succumbing to asphyxiation.

If he had been a Boy Scout, he would have been taught what morally straight meant, including that sex before marriage was morally wrong, and being mentally awake, would have known that being invited to spend the night by two homosexual men might ultimately involve sex. And he would probably not be dead. Just another politically incorrect — and alive — Boy Scout.

Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey is the best-selling non-fiction writer alive today. Among his 20 books are "Late Great Planet Earth," his follow-up on that explosive best-seller, "Planet Earth: The Final Chapter" and "Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad." See his website The Hal Lindsey Report. Read more of Hal Lindsey's articles here.