When America was born — amid the revolutionary fires of war, principle and faith — the new nation represented the noblest system of government in history. Rather than being subject to “the divine right” of kings and tyrants, as was most everywhere else on earth, in America the individual citizen was meant to be sovereign, and the government existed only to serve his highest interests.
While fear and dread were the heartbeat of virtually every other society on earth — from which “the huddled masses yearning to breathe free” emigrated to these shores — boundless, unfettered opportunity to succeed and to fail, and above all else, freedom from government tyranny constituted the real prize for those fortunate enough to call themselves “Americans.”
Not any more.
Today, most Americans live in some degree of fear of their government, which has grown to gargantuan proportions unimaginable to the country’s founders. Indeed, the images of the Waco conflagration, of Ruby Ridge, of the pre-dawn commando raid for Elian Gonzalez, and other such national traumas are seared into Americans’ minds and hearts — intentionally — for the purpose of cultivating compliance through fear.
And of all the federal agencies — FBI, ATF, Immigration — that have come to inspire such fear, none even comes close to eliciting more raw, primordial terror in more people than does the Internal Revenue Service.
But does this fear exist because Americans as a whole are unwilling to pay their fair share of taxes? Or because Americans are not patriotic and fair-minded? There’s not a shred of evidence supporting this idea, nor does anyone even contend that it is the case.
And yet, it is the particular kind of taxation that has been foisted on Americans — the income tax — that ushered into Americans’ lives the intimidation, intrusion, humiliation, involuntary servitude (employers being forced to collect taxes through withholding) and just plain fear, in the shadow of which honest, hard-working, law-abiding Americans suffer year after year.
Even congressional inquiries with witness after witness testifying to personal horror stories of IRS abuses, intimidation and terror tactics have not changed much of anything. After all, the agency literally runs on fear, which is meant to assure a large measure of “voluntary compliance” from the rest of the population, after witnessing the example made of the unfortunate victims of audits and other enforcement and collection actions.
Former Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes comes right out and says what many Americans already feel: “The income tax is a slave tax — inherently incompatible with freedom.”
While American taxpayers may not be in irons, they surely make their “contributions” to government coffers from the end of a gun barrel. And ultimately, if you don’t pay, you go to jail.
There are many ways Americans respond to the ever-present burden of an undeniably unjust income-tax system: Most meekly comply; a relative few engage in intelligent and informed tax avoidance; some drop out and exist in the “underground economy,” out of reach of the tax man.
And then, some are fighting back — not just protecting themselves by careful financial and tax planning — but are actually grappling with the government directly, in an effort to overturn the entire system.
It’s a tough fight, with far more defeats than wins, but some of these activists are actually raising compelling legal and constitutional challenges to the federal income tax.
WorldNetDaily’s monthly print magazine, WorldNet, is presenting one of the most important editions it has ever produced. The April issue is entirely devoted to an in-depth, critical analysis of the various arguments income-tax opponents are using to challenge the IRS and the 16th Amendment. The issue is titled, “TAX REVOLT: How Americans are challenging the IRS and the 16th Amendment.”
When you sign your 1040 tax form on penalty of perjury, are you relinquishing your 5th-Amendment right against self-incrimination? Is the income tax voluntary? Can employers stop withholding from their workers’ paychecks? And what about the granddaddy argument of them all: Was the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave Americans the income tax, ever properly ratified? There is persuasive evidence that perhaps it was not.
Virtually everything else that is available on this subject is either one-sided activist argumentation or establishment propaganda based on IRS press releases. WorldNet’s groundbreaking report is neither. Perhaps for the first time, here is an in-depth, critical examination — of the income tax, the 16th Amendment, the IRS, and the legal strategies employed by those fighting “the system” — like you’ve never read before.
“Tremendous effort and research have gone into this issue of WorldNet,” says Joseph Farah, editor and founder of WorldNetDaily.com and WorldNet magazine. “In addition to the fine work of our investigative reporting team, we also have exclusive articles by Ambassador Alan Keyes and Rep. Ron Paul rounding out the line-up. This issue is simply the best ‘special report’ you will ever read on the income tax and those challenging it. No punches are pulled.”
WorldNet is published monthly by WorldNetDaily.com, and each issue aims at covering in a definitive way a major “big-picture” topic of interest. March’s cover story, for instance, is “The Fed: How your money – and life – are controlled by America’s banking system.” May’s issue will feature an unprecedented insider look at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Upcoming issues will also include in-depth, groundbreaking reports on government spending, evolution, vaccines, the deliberate dumbing down of America’s public schools, the “drug war,” the persecution of Christians in the U.S., and more.
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