Are children deliberately ‘dumbed down’ in school?

By WND Staff

Most parents want their children to receive a quality education. Yet, low test scores, drugs and violence on campus are increasingly prevalent in public schools and the disconnect between parents, educators and administrators is widening. Why is this situation occurring when so much time, money and attention is being directed toward improving education in the United States?

Tomorrow, WorldNetDaily staff writer and talk-show host Geoff Metcalf interviews someone who may have some shocking answers, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. During the ’80s, Iserbyt was a senior policy adviser in the U.S. Department of Education and has also written “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America,” a chronological history of the past 100 years of education reform. In her interview with Metcalf, she discusses the impact of the federal government, the United Nations and influential corporations on the American educational system and a little-known program called “School-To-Work.”

At one point during the interview, Iserbyt made the following observation:

It shouldn’t be necessary, but we need to note that there are good public schools. Although there won’t be for long because of the redefinition of academics — and that good teaching is no longer what it used to be — so we won’t have really much of a public school system. There’ll be nothing left in a few years because of the legislation that is going through Washington, D.C., right now and the way they have been crashing the public school system ever since I left my office in the Department of Education.

What solutions does Iserbyt offer? Be sure not to miss Sunday’s edition of WorldNetDaily and Metcalf’s illuminating interview with Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt for the answer.

Metcalf’s daily streaming radio show can be heard on TalkNetDaily weekdays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time.