Hey California! I’ve got news for you. You don’t have an energy crisis. You have an illegal-immigration crisis.
Just think about it. Sure, California has refused to build power plants to appease misguided environmentalists. Sure, California approved a phony “deregulation” plan that, in effect, was a centralized, command-and-control, fascistic seizure of the power industry by the state. And, sure, California politicians of both parties are among the most inept, corrupt and statist in the world and wouldn’t know how to solve their problems if they recognized them.
But the rolling blackouts, skyrocketing increases in energy costs and other related problems Californians are experiencing today are merely symptoms of another real crisis nobody in this country has yet addressed. So, as usual, let me be the first.
California’s population is growing faster than that of Bangladesh. Worse yet, the biggest growth area is of the illegal persuasion.
You think I’m kidding?
Last December, Los Angeles Times reporter Robin Wright asked Bangladeshi
President Sheika Hasina how her country could possibly feed, educate, employ
and house its burgeoning population in the year 2050.
Her response? “We’ll send them to America!”
She was joking, of course. But other countries are sending their huddled,
teeming masses into America – mostly California – by the millions. And I’m
not joking when I say California’s population is growing faster than
Bangladesh’s. In fact, it is growing at a 50 percent higher rate than
Bangladesh’s population.
And nobody at the Los Angeles Times seems to give that a second thought.
Since Gov. Gray Davis doesn’t give this a second thought, maybe someone should ask President Bush: “With the population of California already at 34 million and expected to reach 60 million by 2050 – overwhelmingly because of mass immigration – how does the U.S. plan to offer energy to all those people?”
Keep in mind, California’s population is skyrocketing despite the fact that millions are leaving because of the deteriorating state of the economy, the increasingly repressive nature of its government, the declining quality of life and the taxes, taxes, taxes. The increase in population is coupled with the changing demographics as the most productive, hardest-working people in the state flee for their livelihoods.
What will be left behind for the next generation is a Third-World state called California – if it’s not there already.
Now, am I some kind of bigoted, anti-immigration person? Hardly. My grandparents came to this country as immigrants. I think many recent immigrants to this country are among the finest Americans who enrich our culture and our economy.
What I oppose are the millions who sneak into our country in the dark of night, who suck the lifeblood out of us and who never bother to conform to our laws nor seek citizenship. They have got to go. And the open-border policies of Washington have got to stop.
I believe America can easily absorb even more planned legal immigration than current limits allow. What it cannot afford is to allow its porous borders to accept anyone and everyone who wants in to get in. Let’s face it. Most of the world’s population would come here if it could.
The federal government’s constitutional authorities are limited – but among them are protecting our borders from foreign invasion, and that’s what the illegal immigration wave has become.
Unless Washington acts soon and decisively to stop this flow of humanity into our country, California and the rest of the country will be forced to build far more power plants and grids than it can even imagine today. There will be thousands more subdivisions, many more strip malls, bigger traffic jams, more polluted water and more dirty air.
Are you worried about the environment? Just take a look at Mexico City. That is our future if we don’t take this illegal immigration problem seriously today.
Is conservation the answer? It’s only part of the solution. It’s a Band-Aid on a hemorrhaging major artery. We’re simply not recognizing the real problem.
Just remember this when you hear the phony debates about the power crisis on the talking-head shows. Nobody is dealing with the real issue. One of the reasons there is so much more demand on the power supply is because there are so many more people tapping into the grid – illegally, I might add.