Nuclear family in total meltdown

By Chuck Baldwin

Recent Census and survey results reveal a virtual breakdown of traditional moral values within the United States. The nuclear family consisting of a married father and mother with children in the home now comprises only 25 percent of the family units in this country. Moreover, couples cohabiting without marriage have escalated over 70 percent in just the last decade.

Furthermore, a recent Gallup poll found that the moral decline of America is now almost complete. According to Gallup, only 38 percent of the American people believe that sex before marriage is wrong. Sixty percent said fornication poses no problems with them. Even more disturbing is the fact that almost 70 percent of those under thirty think premarital sex is acceptable. A scant 28 percent of all age groups feel it is unacceptable. These kinds of numbers are staggering! It appears America has lost its moral conscience.

The cultural collapse of our country has even taken its toll upon the last vanguard of traditional ethics: the military. For example, an independent legal commission, comprised of former military lawyers and judges, is recommending the military strike anti-sodomy and adultery laws from the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It would seem that illicit sexual activity is so fashionable these days that they simply want to make it official.

Is it a coincidence that upwards of 30 percent of couples who do get married reject any mention of God or religion in their ceremonies, according to a recent report? The same report states that nearly 50 percent refuse to use the words “forever” and “obey” in their vows.

Dr. William Doherty, director of University of Minnesota’s Marriage and Family Therapy Program, denounces what he calls today’s “consumer marriage.” He laments that traditional vows like, “As long as we both shall ‘live'” has been replaced with, “As long as we both shall ‘love.'”

The question is how long can this nihilistic, hedonistic culture keep itself from total ruination? How long before the fruits of this villainous vine grow up to choke the life out of our nation? How long before the longsuffering of a holy, righteous God wears out? Yes, how much longer will America hate her heritage, sully her soul and violate her virtue?

Perhaps a better question is: can America be great without being good? The famed French philosopher, Alexis De Tocqueville, didn’t think so. Neither do I.

Chuck Baldwin

Dr. Chuck Baldwin is the host of Chuck Baldwin Live, a daily, two hour long radio call-in show on the events of the day. In addition to writing two books of theology, "Subjects Seldom Spoken On" and "This Is The Life," he has edited and produced "The Freedom Documents," a collection of 50 of the greatest documents of American history. Read more of Chuck Baldwin's articles here.