The Pathmark Tribe

By Anthony C. LoBaido

I have seen much evil in the world in my travels. Female puppies thrown in the trash in Thailand. Kittens poisoned in Cyprus. Elephants being fed speed in the jungles of Burma to make them work harder while logging timber. I have seen landmines and arms sales and toxic waste. But I have never seen anything more tragic than the cultural implosion which took hold in America while I lived overseas for most of the past decade.

This decline has made me feel like an alien from Mars speaking Swahili or Farsi in my own country and own hometown. For example, last week I met a group of people for a drink at a local tavern. These men and women work at a local supermarket called Pathmark. We got into an interesting debate about tattoos and body piercing, the psychology behind them and their sociological impact both on the individual and society as a whole.

Now most people realize that there are good and bad people among all races, colors, creeds and appearances. We understand that Jesus and his Apostles had long hair and neo-Nazi skin heads have no hair, but that is a minimal aesthetic difference between the two groups. In the 1920’s, American men discarded their facial hair for the first time in centuries. Was this fad to be blamed for the drunkenness and cocaine of the roaring 1920’s?

When I found a batch of puppies on the garbage in Thailand last year, it was a group of long haired, tattoo covered British travelers who brought me dog food every day to help feed them. Recently when my Jeep broke down, a man with earrings and tattoos stopped and like the Good Samaritan and helped push my vehicle off the road to safety.

When I was a young boy, men did not wear earrings. My father would say, “If you ever get an earring, I will cut your ear off.” But men have worn earrings in the past. Pirates and sailors wore earrings of gold and with good reason. If they drowned and washed up on shore the earring was supposed to pay for their burial plot.

In Cecil B. DeMille’s epic Hollywood Oscar Winner “The Robe” the gladiator slave Demetrius wears a simple silver earring. When he runs away from his master – the amoral Roman Tribune Marcellus, the man who crucified Christ on the cross – Demetrius immediately removes his earring. The Robe swept the Academy Awards, and one of the chief reasons was the attention DeMille paid to detail of that barbaric era. Why did Demetrius remove his earring? Because in Western culture, and the Bible, earrings are only for slaves. Furthermore they are detested by God, and this is spelled out clearly in the book of Leviticus. Slaves that accepted being slaves wore fancy earrings. Demetrius who said, “To be a slave anywhere is to be a dog,” wore his simple earring.

But asking Generation X to refrain from wearing earrings in their belly buttons, private parts, tongues and on their face, ears and elsewhere because the God of the Bible says so would be like asking my cat Mittens why he doesn’t wear pajamas to bed at night.

Have you watched professional baseball lately? Some teams have players wearing earrings on the field. Ironically many of them are blacks, whose ancestors were both slaves and Bible thumpers. Preston Wilson of the Florida Marlins wears two huge loop earrings. It looks like a parakeet could sit comfortably inside of each one. Some other players wear giant gold medallions, as if they are the reincarnation of Ponce de Leon. And the newest craze in the major leagues is to wear a little bit of fuzz on one’s chin. It is positively revolting, but is there anyone left to offer a sane critique.

There was a time in America, not too long ago in the heyday of our grandparents, where tattoo parlors and body piercing shops were considered a risk to public heath. Indeed, our grandparents believed that such parlors were for degenerates and the lost. Of course that might be a stretch now, because so many people have embraced this practice, and most of them are really normal people.

Yet perhaps our grandparents were on to something. Today America’s medical establishment says that over 40 percent of hepatitis cases are related to such activity. They tried to stop drinking during Prohibition. Dice games and gambling were met with ax-wielding policemen, who knew that gambling destroyed savings and families. Homosexual groups like NAMBLA – the North American Man Boy Love Association – were on the outer fringes of society, not represented by the ACLU in their drive to take over the Boy Scouts of America.

When it comes to discussing tattoos and body piercings, one treads upon disputed and sacred territory. For example, when I spoke to the Pathmark Tribe, I described a new tattoo I had seen all over the world – the UPC or universal product code one finds on virtually every item you can buy. The UPC is a bar and number code which features the number “6” three times in each bar code, on the left, middle and right. I know this because I once had a job programming the bar codes into a mainframe for a certain company.

“Tongue piercings make sex more erotic” one of the Pathmark Tribe told me. She was a very wonderful girl. Her name is Ashley. She is very smart, tall, blonde, curvy and very, very pretty. She and I had a lot in common. She was adopted like me. Ashley showed me two of her three tattoos. One was a dolphin on her belly button and a black panther on her tailbone.

But when I asked if tattoos were an “individuality trap,” meaning that people get unique tattoos but are still conforming like sheep to a societal trend, the Pathmark Tribe turned on me. I also reasoned that Bill Gates doesn’t have tattoos or a nose ring. Neither do television newscasters, senators or President Bush. And there went my chances with Ashley. As usual whenever I open my mouth about what I believe, people run away or want a fist fight.

One of the Pathmark Tribe told me he could explain one day to his children what his tattoos meant. Or that he could have them removed. He also added that he had a friend who worked as a vendor for a well-known, good chain, but that this friend had to remove his facial piercings when he went to work.

“So that shows that in normal society, or in the world of business, that such an appearance is unacceptable,” I countered. “And since Bill Gates, for example, doesn’t appear that way, it demonstrates that by marking one’s body and face in that way, that they most likely cannot progress to the highest levels of society.”

I reasoned that this was just another barrier that the elites who control society place among those beneath them. The elites promote tattoos and body piercings, but rarely if ever indulge in that practice themselves. What better way to ruin the chances of millions to climb the social ladder than by making them fat, dumbed down by public schools, lazy and appearing for a job interview covered in tattoos and facial piercings. (As an aside, one major economic magazine published a story a few years back entitled, “The Descent of Man” which depicted an Ape Man evolving into modern man carrying a briefcase in a business suit, only to decay into a slouched over teenager sporting nose rings and tattoos).

This person countered that many tattoos, like the UPC or barb wire around the biceps are “Tribal.”

Tribal … I wonder. Hmmm. Are they Hmong, Karen, Zulu, Montagnards, Kurds? Members of a tribe? Or since they have returned to the paganism of pre-Christian times in Western civilization, and large governments are breaking apart into smaller and smaller units blighted by anarchy (see the former Soviet Union, or post-Apartheid South Africa) perhaps such tribal instincts will become the norm of the future.

I also told the Pathmark Tribe about a Dutch girl I met in Thailand named Gea. Gea, as I have written about for WorldNetDaily before, was perfect. Tall, a natural blonde with blue eyes and a perfect body. Except she had about six eyebrow piercings, two nose piercings and had a giant scorpion tattooed all over her back and the All Seeing Eye of the Pyramid (yes the one on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill) over her left breast. The Pathmark Tribe questioned if I had the right to criticize Gea’s tattoos as “ugly.”

“That is only your opinion!” they shouted. And of course they are right. Which begs the question: Have they lost their minds and lost the ability to see true beauty from tragic human debasement?

If so, that is truly frightening.

But even I must admit, I have met many men who were highly motivated and trained Special Forces soldiers and martial artists who sported a single tattoo that they had to earn after completing an inhuman training regimen. Even I thought of getting the mark of the French Foreign Legion when I sought to join that elite group.

So how should we view the body-modification phenomenon?

This whole issue is one which raises a plethora of questions. Will the Peter Jennings’ and Bill Gates’ of the future appear on television sporting tattoos and facial piercings? Is it fair that the business world forces those who choose tattoos and facial piercings to hide what they are? Whether it is or isn’t, does the fact that these men and women have to change their true identity leave them filled with anger and rage? Will they one day turn, with violence, against those who would close down the tattoo parlors? Or will they just “live and let live?” Or will it lead to a bigger and newer phenomenon – like the new “body modification” mania in which people are getting their tongues split like snakes and horns implanted into their foreheads?

Of course it could be argued that tattoos and body modification are only a sign of a wider and larger phenomena. There are the gang-style clothes, first started by black thugs wishing to hide their guns and stolen goods. Like their “kill and rape the whites” music, it has been projected into mainstream society and adopted by non blacks as the norm. Next time you hear a car stereo so loud you think it might explode, you are likely to find a white person at the wheel. Add to this the epidemic of sex in middle and high schools – did you see the suggestive high school dance routine at last year’s Orange Bowl game? – and you have the anatomy of a cultural meltdown.

Make no mistake, this is no accident. For political power cannot be seized until cultural power is first achieved. Hence the return of 1960’s and 1970’s values, bell bottoms, fashions and morals under the Clinton regime. Even the Fox network produced “That ’70s Show” to help push along this agenda, along with the revolting high-school show “Boston Public.”

And so, can it not be reasoned that the elites, who are mostly whites, have expropriated their model for destroying African Americans to the rest of society? Imagine if, let’s say, black men were not killing one another, impregnating teenagers, playing sports, going to jail or joining the army? Who would fight and die on behalf of the oil companies in Iraq? Who would play the Romanesque Super Bowl for our entertainment? How many prison guards, lawyers and judges would have to get real jobs? White people now realize what they should have realized all along: An elite who would destroy the black family would one day come for the white family – and all other races and cultures in America.

Yes, we have become UPC robots. We watch a show like “Just Shoot Me” in which David Spade lusts after his best male friend – who has become a sexy-looking transvestite (played by the gorgeous Jenny McCarthy) – and we can’t see anything wrong with it. We watch movies like The Craft, which teach our children to worship the devil and “how to slit their wrists the right way.” We listen to rocker Kirk Cobain scream into the microphone, unaware that he is screaming because he is disconnected from everything dear to Western Civilization – detached from God, Moses, Jesus, the Bible, Charles Martel, Columbus and Harriet Tubman.

Where will this all lead the Pathmark Tribe and society as a whole? One must remember that, not so long ago, people lived in castles surrounded by moats and wore body armor, because as today, the economic incentive to repress crime had been weakened. In fact today we might agree that criminal activity is a virtual cottage industry. In medieval times, if a robber stole your cow, you had no milk. Today we have food stamps and credit cards to buy Strawberry Quick. And more prisoners mean a plethora of the aforementioned jobs.

Have you ever met someone who was saved and knew the Gospel yet dressed with facial piercings? I have been to 25 countries since October of 1999 and not met a single person that, having adopted the body-modification lifestyle, was not without hostility towards the Gospel.

Ultimately the most important question to be asked is this: Will America and Western civilization return to its religious roots, or implode with abortion, insane and massive Third World immigration and the death of the family unit? Or will there be a turnaround as in Roman times? Rome became more and more decadent, until collapse. Of course, Rome had the message of Jesus Christ and the looting of Attila the Hun to help her regain sanity.

One can only wonder if the debasing of our very own bodies, made in God’s image – with dragons and scorpions and facial piercings that are so hideous and ugly they hurt to look at – is the final sign of the end times as described by the German Prophetess Seeress Regina. Regina, who lived in Germany in 1900 predicted a “future generation to come which contains no urge for inner growth, but rather carries within itself death for the whole human race.”

Will America burn, as Rome did, only this time not by the hand of Attila, but by the nuclear missiles and satellite technology given to Communist China by our treasonous former-president William Jefferson Clinton? Is there indeed a real nuclear graveyard of ash and fallout waiting around the turn of our mad dash across this de-facto moral wasteland? A wasteland in which men and women will look around and at themselves and finally be disgusted by what we all became. Women revolted at the godless self serving wimps men turned into while following the gospel of Hugh Hefner. Men are terrified of the “independent” 21st-century woman who mutilates and poisons her own baby, growing within her womb, takes up boxing and who has asked Jane Fonda into her heart as lord and savior.

In the meantime, millions of people around the world will continue on their path to the markings of tattoos and body piercings. Does this identify an individual completely with the lies of this world, and its ruler Satan, who is busy building his kingdom on Earth – the colony of the Antichrist? Of is it the harbinger of something far worse – a bar code implanted in our hands and foreheads that will, one day soon, replace cash in a 100 percent electronic economy?

Maybe the Pathmark Tribe has the answer: “Many more would partake in body modification, but they are too afraid. Still others partake but their piercings and tattoos are hidden from plain view. Yet, in the future, there will be a new trend and this one will be forgotten,” one of them told me.

For God’s sake, let’s hope so.

Anthony C. LoBaido

Anthony C. LoBaido is a journalist, ghostwriter and photographer. He has published 404 articles on WND from 53 countries around the world. Read more of Anthony C. LoBaido's articles here.