Well, well, well, well, well. Score another defeat for the world’s fascist gun controllers and their hapless, helpless, hopeless “less guns equals less crime” theory.
According to the Monday edition of the London Daily Telegraph, a new study published by the Center for Defense Studies at King’s College in London today proves, once again, that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them.
Researchers found that gun crime throughout the UK has risen a whopping 40 percent since lawmakers passed a near-total handgun ban in 1997. According to the study, handguns were used in 3,685 offenses last year, compared with 2,648 just four years ago.
British lawmakers should have seen this coming. After all, every time gun control legislation suffers in America and more Americans are “allowed” to fully utilize their Second Amendment right, violent crime falls along with gun crime. Conversely, in areas where gun control continues to be restrictive, violence – especially criminal gun violence – remains high.
Can you say “Duh”?
Americans need to realize that this “less guns equals less crime” fantasy has just about run its course. This legal theory has been disproved even more times than the theory suggesting O. J. Simpson is innocent.
As such, it is appropriate to remind our gun-controlling leaders that rational, thinking people do not remain wedded to failed ideas, hoping beyond hope that the same movie will have a different outcome someday if only we watch it enough times.
Obviously, Britons need to learn this too. If they don’t, they too will continue to be victimized by their own anti-gun laws.
If criminals can always get a gun – and it’s obvious they can – then what sense does it make to continue to pass laws prohibiting law-abiding persons from having one? What kind of sadistic moron would favor such a concept?
Unfortunately, our most forceful advocates of less gun control can’t speak up because they’re already six feet under – victimized by the arrogance of leaders who have the luxury of paid armed protection 24-7.
The facts are out there, folks. Gun control is killing us.
Related offer:
Richard Poe’s “The Seven Myths of Gun Control,” the ultimate answer book on Second Amendment rights, is available in WND’s online store.
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