Sperry on ‘Judicial Watch’ show

By WND Staff

WorldNetDaily.com Washington bureau chief Paul Sperry will appear live on “The Judicial Watch Report” on the Renaissance Network tonight at 7 p.m. Eastern.

Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman will interview Sperry about his recent exclusive series of stories, “CHINAGATE: UNFINISHED BUSINESS.” As part of the series, WorldNetDaily was the first to quote FBI agents alleging that members of the Justice Department thwarted their efforts to follow leads in the campaign-finance investigation that might have implicated members of the Clinton administration.

Today, Sperry reports that Attorney General John Ashcroft has demoted one of the main players in Reno’s Justice Department – the man the FBI agents most often fingered – task force chief Lee Radek.

Click here for a list of stations planning to broadcast “The Judicial Watch Report.” Those viewers who live in cities not listed can tune in to the program on a satellite dish, on GE1, transponder 19 digital.