The real story about Israel

By Yaffah daCosta

There are many headlines that (although important) could keep people from seeing the spiritual dimension to the real news about Israel. Whether it’s articles about the confrontation on the Temple Mount last weekend (and Hal Lindsey wrote a fabulous piece for WND) or various articles about the strike of the IDF against Hamas headquarters in the West Bank, there’s a biblical and spiritual dimension that could be missed in all of the various reports and commentaries.

The Torah reading for this week gives the real story behind the story – a prophecy about the exile of the children of Israel from the Land that God had promised them and also about their descendants eventual return to that very same land (and which has been partially fulfilled in our day under the British Mandate for Palestine in 1948/9).

And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in numbers among the heathen, wither the LORD shall lead you … But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shall find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. When thou art in tribulation [Hebrew word *tsar*: meaning narrow or a tight place, and figuratively “trouble”] and all these things come upon thee, even in the latter days [also translated “at the end of days”] if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient to his voice, (for the LORD thy God is a merciful God) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of they fathers which he sware unto them.
(Deuteronomy 4:30-31 KVJ)

To show that this is being fulfilled in our own day, we have some reports that are getting little attention in the media. Such as the Aksa Brigade organization promising to strike at Zionist and American targets in Israel and around the world. Even within the U.S. there are militant Islamic groups spouting off about hating Jews and the killing of Rabbis (Islamic Radio, Washington, D.C., WWTL 700 AM) and others that talk about hitting targets in the U.S.

In a press release in London dated August 1st from Al-Mahajiroun, it was stated:

Following the latest murders in Palestine by the Israeli regime of Ariel Sharon (the butcher of Sabra and Shatila), Muslims in Britain will be demonstrating to create awareness about the illegitimate state of Israel and will be calling for Muslims to support the Jihad against this fascist State verbally, financially and physically this Friday.

Worse than Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa in terms of atrocities having been committed, there is no doubt in the minds of any Muslim that there can never be peace in Palestine until the State of Israel is eradicated. The latest missile attacks against innocent civilians are typical of these spineless murderers. However, the promise of their annihilation was foretold 1,300 years ago by the Messenger Muhammad (saw) and it is an inevitability which the Muslims carry as a decisive belief, and which the Israel occupiers fear every day.

Despite the huge financial and military support Israel obtains from its collaborators, such as Britain and the U.S., Israel can never hope to be other than in a state of emergency before its eventual defeat at the hands of Muslims. The fact that Britain and the U.S. are so eager to contribute to the massacres that Israel regularly perpetrates shows their true stance towards Islam and Muslims and they should not therefore be at all surprised if their own forces and government are targeted in this war of oppression.

Along with threats to Western Democracy from radical Islam, we have the hypocrisy of the Belgians who want to put Ariel Sharon on trial for “Crimes against Humanity.” But discovering that the world is full of hypocrisy, at the expense of Jews, is really not news.

Check it out: In the New York Times review of “King Leopold’s Ghost” by Adam Hochschild, it is recounted how “under the reign of terror instituted by King Leopold II of Belgium (who ran the Congo Free State as his personal fiefdom from 1885 to 1908) the population of the Congo was reduced by half – as many as eight million Africans (perhaps even 10 million, in Hochschild’s opinion) lost their lives.”

Now this tiny little nation either has a right to survive, and have safe and secure borders, or not. The August 1st, Wall Street Journal Europe said it best:

The Olso process is dead because the premises that sustained it – namely, that Yasser Arafat might someday renounce the use of force in favor of negotiations and accept a two-state solution – have proved false. It’s time the U.S. abandon its recognition of the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. That, in turn, means accepting the fact that Israel must deal with the current Palestinian leadership as a bandit government and, if it proves necessary, to expel it. The greatest beneficiaries would be the Palestinians themselves.

It has been a kind of received wisdom in Western foreign ministries that Mr. Arafat and his lieutenants are the only moderates among Palestinian leaders; and that to expel them would simply invite someone worse to take their place. This was the same argument used about Slobodan Milosevic, when Western governments found it convenient to deal with him. But anyone who has spent time in places like Gaza and Nablus, as we have, knows that there is a buried yearning for democracy, prosperity and, even, peace with Israel, although all this has been obscured by the past months of fighting. The task now for Western governments, Israel most of all, is to remove the repressive apparatus that keeps that yearning suppressed.

History repeats itself, so history itself is “prophecy”! God would not allow the 1st Temple to be built by King David, because he had blood on his hands. And God will not allow the 3rd Temple to be built through unjust bloodshed either. It will happen only when the Muslims are agreed to share the Temple Mount platform. Then, the full and complete redemption, and restoration, of ancient Israel will occur! And, it will happen with as little bloodshed, and the least amount of loss of innocent Palestinian (Arab/Muslim) lives, as is humanly possible.

Related offer:

“The Temple Mount Dilemma” : The video examining the most controversial piece of real estate on Earth is available at WorldNetDaily’s online store.

Yaffah daCosta

Yaffah Batya daCosta is a lay religious educator in the Jewish Roots Movement of Christianity. She writes a monthly d'var Torah column for non-Jews in the DFW Christian Heritage newspaper and has also been an educator on Christian radio for nearly 7 years, but is now taking a sabbatical while filling-in for other radio program hosts. She is the Jewish-Christian Affairs Coordinator for Kulanu, a Jewish group in Maryland supporting communities of lost Jews. And she is a member of the highly acclaimed National Unity Coalition for Israel. Lastly, Yaffah has a cameo appearance in the upcoming film documentary, "Jews and Christians: A Journey of Faith," about Jewish-Christian relations and interfaith dialogue, to air in syndication on Public Broadcasting stations all over the United States. Read more of Yaffah daCosta's articles here.