New columnist has
biblical perspective

By WND Staff

Ellen Makkai began writing columns 16 years ago in response to what she perceived as the moral and intellectual laxity among many feminist commentators.

Her writings have appeared since in the Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, Cleveland Plain Dealer and periodicals published by James Dobson’s Focus on the Family Ministries.

Beginning today, Makkai takes that well-honed biblical perspective exclusively into the pages of WorldNetDaily as the Internet’s leading independent newssite’s newest weekly columnist.

By special arrangement with Creators Syndicate, Makkai’s column will appear first in WorldNetDaily and later in other print venues.

Makkai was adopted into the family of a Harvard psychiatrist in 1946. An adoption search revealed she is directly descended from colonial preacher and Princeton President Jonathan Edwards.

She was educated in private schools throughout the country, including Milton Academy near Boston and Hathaway Brown School in Cleveland. She graduated with a teaching degree from Colorado Women’s College and taught elementary school for four years.

Though a participant and product of the tumultuous 1960s, Makkai embraced the role of homemaker and mother – including PTA meetings, Brownies and high-school football hurrahs.

She has guided and written Bible studies for 25 years and writes on topics as diverse as abortion, public school controversies, the Arab-Israeli conflict and relationships.

Makkai and her husband of 32 years live south of Denver. They have two adult children.

Read Makkai’s first column for WND, “Humor is no laughing matter.”