Meet WND’s latest,
youngest columnist

By WND Staff

WorldNetDaily introduces its newest and youngest weekly columnist this weekend – Kyle Williams, age 12.

Williams’ column is called “Veritas,” and he focuses like a laser beam on the deeper truths he has discovered in his young life.

Kyle Williams

“Home-schooled in a rural community, Williams gives us faith that America really does have a bright future,” said Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WorldNetDaily. “I have every confidence that Williams’ writing will be as inspirational to WorldNetDaily readers – young and old – as I found them.”

Williams loves current events.

“I am extremely interested in politics, and I may make a career in journalism,” he says.

When he was only 9 years old, he became interested in news and politics by listening to the Rush Limbaugh show with his mother. Before coming to WorldNetDaily, his column appeared on VoxPox.

“I want to write because I believe the liberals have taken over the school system, feeding propaganda to young people like myself everyday,” he says. “I believe more young people need to stand up and express their views in politics, whether it be a liberal, conservative or moderate view. The youth of America needs to be more aware.”

Rush would be proud.

Williams’ column will be published by WorldNetDaily every Saturday.