Terror expert on Fox tonight

By WND Staff

Terror expert Yossef Bodansky, whose book “Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America” has become the definitive guide to bin Laden, will be a guest on Fox News Channel’s “War on Terror” tonight.

According to the network’s website, Bodansky will discuss with host Rita Cosby his belief that bin Laden already has nuclear weapons.

In his book, Bodansky makes clear, with names, dates and documentation, that bin Laden began planning his dramatic attacks on the United States years ago with the help of unlikely allies Iran and Iraq, along with the help of Sudan and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

Back in 1998, Bodansky reports, bin Laden declared that this war against America had begun. He faxed his operatives around the world with four specific objectives: “Bring down the airliners. Prevent the safe passage of their ships. Occupy their embassies. Force the closure of their companies and banks.”

Bodansky also reveals that bin Laden has near total control of the Taliban regime – even discretion in using the approximately $8 billion in annual heroin profits from Afghanistan’s major export crop.

“If it is made possible by Almighty God to Muslims, every America man is targeted,” bin Laden said in an interview with al-Jazirah television in Qatar in 1998. “They are enemies to us, whether they are involved in direct combat against us or pay taxes.”

“War on Terror” is scheduled to broadcast tonight at 10 p.m. Pacific, 3 a.m. Eastern on the Fox News Channel.

Editor’s note: Yossef Bodansky’s book is now available in WorldNetDaily’s online store, ShopNetDaily.