Metcalf hosts ‘Bias’ author

By WND Staff

Bernard Goldberg, author of the newly released book “Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News,” which now is available on ShopNetDaily, will be a guest on Geoff Metcalf’s online radio talk show today.

A 28-year newsman with CBS, Goldberg maintains in his book that the TV news media in the U.S. have a definite leftward slant.

“It’s not at all unusual to hear on the news a description of right-wing Christians, right-wing politicians, right-wing radio talk-show hosts, right-wing Miami Cubans,” Goldberg told radio host Rush Limbaugh earlier this week. “The only time you hear the word left-wing is if they’re talking about part of an airplane. … They don’t even think there’s a liberal or left-wing position.”

In his book, Goldberg calls CBS anchor Dan Rather “ruthless and unforgiving,” with a touch of Richard Nixon’s “paranoia.”

Goldberg’s best-selling book is now available at WorldNetDaily’s online store, Shopnetdaily. It makes a great Christmas gift for anyone interested in the power and influence of the America media.

Tapping his years of experience in TV news, Goldberg shows how the media have twisted the facts of some of the biggest stories of the last two decades and demonstrates how conservatives and liberals in politics are treated radically different by the news media.

Also appearing on Metcalf’s show today is Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., to discuss the controversy over a column by WND columnist Debbie Schlussel in which she charges him with supporting Hezbollah. As reported by WorldNetDaily, Issa has vigorously denied Arab press reports cited by Schlussel that quote the congressman as an admirer of the terrorist organization.

Metcalf’s national Internet talk show can be heard live daily on WorldNetDaily’s streaming page – TalkNetDaily – from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific time (7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern).

Purchase Goldberg’s book, “Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News.”

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