Bush should whack back

By Kyle Williams

Just about every time I turn on the news, I see a piece of liberal legislation gaining more support or a moderate senator speaking out against an issue or congressional Democrats criticizing somebody. Many times, I just disagree with their view or whatever it may be, but sometimes something is blatantly said without backing up their view or without fully describing and investigating a piece of legislation.

Everybody in the political arena has some sort of agenda, and some will do anything to gain support and get someone to listen to them. Many will even go so far as to mislead and lie to gain the attention. Disinformation in our society is very high. George Orwell once said, “In a world of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

It happens every day. I sit there and wonder how in the world someone can say things without another questioning him. Politicians go around and make remarks without backing anything up. It’s utterly amazing. “Why in the world will no one question them?” many ask. It’s not that; I can get you thousands of people that will do that, but to actually find someone they will recognize to question them is hard.

Liberal politicians are allowed to roam free under the banner of the news media. Bernard Goldberg’s “Bias” proves there is a bias in the media, and he tells of a top-level producer saying, “Look, Bernie, of course there’s a liberal tilt in the news.”

However, how do these politicians gain support from the American people? The typical American is not active in politics, usually doesn’t watch the news, and instead watches sitcom TV. But when the news is turned on, it’s one of the three major networks. It’s liberal bias garbage, which some people like to call “news.”

While Bush is urging for that good ol’ bipartisanship, he and the Republican Party are taking slaps in the face from the likes of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and others without any real accountability. Sen. Daschle is anything but bipartisan. His agenda is not for the country as a whole, but rather for the Democratic Party.

Don’t believe me? Well, just this week Daschle has attacked Bush’s plan for tax cuts. According to a Washington Post report, Democrats are planning on blaming the GOP for budget deficits, and Daschle launched a “Democratic economic offensive” for the new year. In addition, just before Christmas, Senate Democrats held up the vital Stimulus Package and it died.

Not too surprising, since the Senate elections are coming up this year. But did Bush reply to the criticism? No. Did any top-level congressmen? No. Only one lone spokesman for Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott.

The only weapon the GOP has against this criticism is elected officials speaking out. If Republicans can lose the “let’s be friends” act, then they can stand up for themselves. I am by no means saying that bipartisanship is a bad thing, but it is clear that Democrats don’t want it.

Sure, Bush brought a new administration to Washington, with a new tone. That bipartisan tone throughout Washington lasted part of his first year and extended about a month after the attacks. It is now clear that Democrats don’t want anything to do with bipartisanship, so why does the GOP continue as if it were still there?

The president has spoken often of the bipartisanship that he brought to Texas, but, with all due respect, Mr. President, Washington ain’t Texas.

If the Republicans want a shot at this year’s Senate elections, the GOP has to defend itself, go on the offensive, and our president has to go out and support the very senators that support him. The Senate race this year should be a very high priority for him if he wants any meaningful legislation passed in the coming years.

Bush needs to get as serious on the domestic front as he is for the war on terrorism. The domestic front is as serious as the war, and he should treat it as such.

The president has a few town hall meetings throughout the country this week. I suggest he use his forum in reply to the attacks by Democrats.

It’s time to stop the nonsense, it’s time to take a stand, and it’s time to do what’s right for the country.

Related offer:

Get Bernard Goldberg’s new book, “Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distorts the News” in WND’s online store.

Kyle Williams

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Kyle Williams is 16 years old and a high school student living in central Oklahoma. Read more of Kyle Williams's articles here.