An anti-gun group is actually trying to use the terrorist threat within America to justify tougher restrictions on purchasing firearms in the United States.
I guess we should have expected it. It was inevitable. No matter how many problems such anti-freedom crusaders create with their misguided campaigns, their solutions always require more laws, less liberty for you and me.
An outfit called the Violence Policy Center is citing the fact that Islamic terrorists have actively attempted to buy guns in America and involve themselves in training programs in their use.
Now, I look at that and I see two things:
- Why are our immigration laws failing us? Where is the enforcement against the illegal alien invasion of our country? With all the laws on the books requiring registration, why are al-Qaida terrorists still permitted to buy firearms in the U.S.? It seems obvious to me that more laws are not the answer. If current laws are failing us, the emphasis should be on better enforcement or, even better, a general reassessment of how laws restrict the freedom of only the law-abiding.
- If, indeed, terrorists are arming themselves within our borders for further attacks on Americans, shouldn’t all law-abiding good Americans make sure they have superior firepower?
I don’t doubt for a moment that terrorists will try to use the relative freedom we enjoy within the United States to further their own evil agenda. We see evidence of it everywhere. They use our judicial system’s bent toward protecting the accused. They use our culture’s new-found revulsion against making common-sense judgments – now termed “profiling” – to their advantage. They use the First Amendment protections of free speech to promote their propaganda. They use the free-exercise clause to promote their radical and violent interpretation of Islam.
I could go on and on.
Yet, in spite of the way the terrorists and their apologists use our freedoms to promote their agenda, there is still no thought – thank goodness – to suspending the constitutional assurances of free trials, free expression and freedom of religion.
There is, however, a determined effort to curb or eliminate our inalienable rights to defend ourselves with firearms.
What does this tell you? It tells you that the anti-gun people will use any excuse to push their agenda – even when the evidence they cite argues in favor of gun proliferation.
There is a tendency in government right now to react to the terrorist crisis with new restrictions on freedom. It’s only natural for government to do this. The more laws that are passed, the more government itself is empowered at the expense of the people.
But we must resist this trend.
And nowhere is it more important to make that stand than on the gun issue.
Since Sept. 11, Americans are arming themselves in greater numbers. The government demonstrated its inability to protect even the most vital institutions, massive numbers of innocent people and the very symbols of U.S. defense. It’s only logical that Americans would react to this newly discovered vulnerability with a healthy dose of self-reliance.
This is a good thing. It’s a good thing for Americans. And it’s a good thing for America.
It’s a bad thing for the terrorists.
So, by all means, let the country know that terrorists are arming themselves. Let the Americans know the terrorists are training themselves in the use of weapons. Let everyone know they are in our midst.
The answer is not to let Washington protect us from ourselves. The answer is for Americans to protect themselves.
There’s a reason America has not known foreign invasion since the War of 1812. The principal reason is that enemies have understood that Americans are a self-reliant bunch who own their own guns and can protect themselves.
It’s the same reason Switzerland, among all the nations of Europe, has not been attacked in any of the modern great wars that engulfed the continent.
Let us not forget that firearms in the hands of freedom-loving people are not only a deterrent to aggression, they are our guarantee of liberty.