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In between the patriotic displays and Bono and Mariah, there was a very
interesting commercial during the Super Bowl. And that spot cost us the
taxpayers almost $4 million because it ran twice – frightening the
heck out Britney Spears.
The advertisement linked the buying of illegal drugs with supporting terrorism. It basically accused Americans who support the traffic in illegal narcotics of being anti-American. Of course the ad was scoffed at by many Americans who see drug taking as legitimate recreation.
But I thought the ad made a valid point, even though I believe the war on
drugs the way it is being fought now is a loser. A $30 billion dollar a
year loser.
Let’s break it down. The main point of the commercial is that if an
American puts money into the hands of dope pushers, that money can make it
possible for terrorists to operate, for assassins to get paid, for more
drugs to pour into the streets of America.
That is all true. The Taliban supported itself on opium sales. Drug
cartels throughout the world routinely murder and commit incredible violence
against their opponents, and illegal narcotics flood the poorest
neighborhoods of America. In every ghetto in the USA the most dangerous
drugs are readily available to children and everyone else. Even in more
upscale neighborhoods, drugs are not hard to find.
The kicker is that if no one bought illegal drugs, none of the above would be
happening. So if you do buy dope, you are hurting your country. It is
simple logic.
But simple logic doesn’t dent the minds of many dopers who want to get high, and their country be damned. The primary rationalization, of course,
concerns alcohol. Many Americans who buy dope say that they have the right
to do that because alcohol is legal. If booze can be served, than society is
hypocritical for outlawing drugs.
However, our society is not stupid. According to every poll taken on the
subject, the overwhelming majority of Americans are against the legalization
of drugs. Americans are even against legalized marijuana. A Fox
News/Opinion Dynamics Poll taken last year showed 66 percent of Americans do
not want pot made legal. Only 26 percent do. The rest were possibly too high to
take a stand.
The reason, I believe, that so many Americans are against making drugs legal
is that they have seen what intoxicants can do. More than a million drunk-driving cases each year. Nearly 10 percent of the adult population heavily
involved with alcohol. Why make more mind-altering substances available?
Why send a message to children that intoxication is a birthright?
It is not. And supporting criminals who sell addictive substances is
anti-American. Public intoxication hurts us all, and private intoxication
hurts the individual. Nothing good can come of this. Why are so many
Americans blind to the truth?
The answer comes back to selfishness. I want to get high, so I will. It is
my body, so if I give money to a pusher who sells crack to kids so what? I’m
not responsible.
Well, yes you are. Again, if nobody bought the drugs – the evil that they
bring would not exist.
So move over Britney. The best commercial during the Super Bowl was the one
that confronted Americans with the damage that dope buying does. It was a
gutsy move. I applaud it.
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