Arafat’s last gasp

By Joseph Farah

Yasser Arafat is like a deadly version of the Energizer bunny – he keeps going and going and going, and lying and lying and lying.

Whenever you think he’s finished, he just resorts to his tried-and-tested technique of claiming to be a peacemaker – despite all the years of evidence to the contrary.

As Israel and the West finally seem to catch on to his duplicitous games, his latest effort at rehabilitating his severely tarnished image is an opinion piece in the New York Times last Sunday, in which he lays out “the Palestinian vision.”

“I condemn the attacks carried out by terrorist groups against Israeli civilians,” he says.

How many times have we heard Arafat and his henchmen make similar statements when their political backs are against the wall?

The truth is the overwhelming number of recent terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens were not perpetrated by Hezbollah or Hamas – they were carried out by Arafat’s own Fatah Tanzim militia members. In Arabic he praises the terrorists as “martyrs.” He has taken no meaningful steps to curb the violence. His handpicked mufti in Jerusalem continues to call for the complete destruction of Israel in his Friday sermons.

If you want to know the real Arafat – the bloodthirsty villain, the unrepentant murderer of innocents, the tinpot tyrant who sends impressionable young Arab children to their deaths, the schemer who says one thing and does another, the man who has fooled the West and Israel for too long – I urge you to see two important new video documentaries produced in France.

Your view of the Mideast will forever change.

These documentaries use raw Palestinian television programs and other Arabic-language sources to show the true, evil face of Arafat.

“Israel and the War of Images” and “The Trojan Horse,” both produced in France with English and French dubbing and subtitles show Arafat and his spokesmen, clerics and negotiators revealing that peace negotiations with Israel are part of a strategy leading ultimately and inevitably to one overriding objective – the destruction of the Jewish state.

Nothing has changed since Arafat’s own fiery speech in South Africa in 1994, recorded in these documentaries, in which he said, “I don’t consider the (Oslo) agreement any more than the agreement which was signed by our prophet Muhammad and the Quraish,” he said.

Muhammad signed a peace agreement with the Quraish tribe in Mecca, until his Islamic warriors were strong enough to conquer them.

That’s the strategy. It has always been the strategy. You won’t know it if you get your information about the Middle East from the New York Times or from CNN.

But, over and over again, in these two compelling videos, available only through the WorldNetDaily online store, ShopNetDaily, Palestinian leaders explain that their ultimate goals remain a Palestine from “the sea to the river” – meaning from the Jordan to the Mediterranean.

Arafat may hide his goals when he writes for the New York Times, but for Arabic audiences he still lets it all hang out. If you care for the truth, you can watch him call for unending jihad and total victory over Israel. You can watch his spokesmen deny the reality of the Jewish Holocaust. You can watch his organization training Arab children as young as 4 years old in commando-style warfare and the indoctrination of the young in martyrdom – using subsidies, by the way, from U.S. taxpayers.

You can watch all this, if your stomach is strong enough to take it.

“Jews are Jews,” shouts one of Arafat’s clerics in a Friday sermon broadcast on Palestinian television. “Amongst those are no moderates, nor peace partisans. They are all liars. They must be massacred, they must be killed. Allah the Almighty said, ‘Fight them. That’s what the Jews are. Have no pity for them, wherever they are, in whatever country. Fight them wherever you are, wherever you meet them, kill them.'”

That’s the real face of the Palestinian movement.

I urge you to get these two companion videos now. I urge you to watch them. I urge you to share them with your friends and family members. I urge you to share them with your representatives in the U.S. government. I urge you to make them an issue in any discussion of the Mideast crisis.

In one of the videos, a brave reporter questions Arafat on his deliberate use of children in his uprising or “intifada” against Israel.

“Can you prove it?” he demands. “Can you prove it?”

These videos prove it – beyond a shadow of a doubt.

“The Trojan Horse” and “Israel and the War of Images”

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.