Prime-time wussies

By Vox Day

During the e-mail bombing by Muslims whipped into varying degrees of hysteria by the Council on American-Islamic Relations over last week’s column, I couldn’t help but notice a few things. First, there appear to be very few non-Arabs who disagreed with me, as exactly nine percent of the negative e-mail I received was from people without blatantly Arabic names. It was also interesting to note that of the many e-mails I received supporting my statements, only two were Jewish, either by name or self-identification.

Well, there was also one from a confused Jewish man who accused me of being a Nazi and demanded an apology “to the freaking Jews!

But the occasional psychotic aside, I wasn’t the least bit surprised by the vast gulf in opinions expressed by Arab and non-Arab Americans – since I’m not a Jew, a Zionist or a Nazi – and I reached my conclusion as a largely indifferent observer to the conflict. I do know my history, though, and I think it’s worth pointing out that while Winston Churchill might have said that “jaw-jaw is better than war-war,” he nevertheless worked hard at talking the U.S. into ending World War II by killing very large quantities of Italians, Germans and Japanese. Nor have we had to fight any of them since. Sad, but true.

Peace almost always comes through violence, and this has been so since the Chronicles of the Assyrian Kings were first chiseled onto tablets. Peace must either be chosen freely by both sides, or forcibly imposed upon one by the other.

I’m curious to know what CAIR and my new anti-fan club think of the latest developments in the Middle East. Not only have there been three successful and 20 unsuccessful suicide bombings in the three days since the latest purported ceasefire, but similar attacks are now being threatened against Egypt and Jordan. Furthermore, it was Jordanian troops that killed two recent Palestinians infiltrators, so it seems a bit of a stretch to pin those deaths on Israeli-Zionist Nazi genocide.

If Islamic extremists are really planning attacks against this week’s Arab League Summit as has been reported, who should bear the blame for if they take place, Ariel Sharon? Or would it somehow be America’s fault? It wasn’t the U.S. or Israel that assassinated Anwar Sadat, after all.

Now I’m not enthusiastic about being called a “Jew lover” or a tool of “the blood sucking scum that is Judaism,” “an ugly and bad spot on the face of humanity,” or worse, “David Horowitz,” but I’m more troubled by the fact that aside from the Internet media and Charles Krauthammer, almost no one is discussing the Middle East conflict in realistic, rational terms.

What color is the sky in a world where Yasser Arafat’s promises are reported as if anyone actually believes them? How is the $5.25 billion in annual U.S. aid to Israel rounded down to the $3 billion reported? Why did Fox News stop reporting on the Israeli art student spy ring? In what Arabic dictionary does Islam mean peace? And isn’t peace process really just a synonym for not-peace – as in war?

This incomplete, and often dishonest, coverage serves no one well – not the Palestinians, not the Jews, and not Americans forced to watch the horror unfold. The result is that Mr. Arafat is falsely encouraged to force his people into another war they cannot win, the Israeli government is dissuaded from taking the only actions that can possibly lead to peace, and Americans risk sacrificing liberties while being dragged into a war wherein we have no legitimate national interests. And the blood of the innocent still flows …

I couldn’t understand why the media coverage of the Middle East is so incomplete until reading a recent interview with Bernard Goldberg in the New York Press. Then I got it. The Dan Rathers, Peter Jennings and Ted Koppels of the world are afraid. They’re afraid to make basic statements of fact or to say anything that would invite criticism of any kind, much less face a vicious electronic onslaught of the sort that writers like myself, Joseph Farah and Jonah Goldberg of National Review have endured.

In short, they’re cowards, overpaid prime time wussies.

A number of those who’ve written me have saluted my courage and whatnot, but I’m not afraid to speak the truth. I am deeply concerned, however, about what happens when no one does.

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Vox Day

Vox Day is a Christian libertarian and author of "The Return of the Great Depression" and "The Irrational Atheist." He is a member of the SFWA, Mensa and IGDA, and has been down with Madden since 1992. Visit his blog, Vox Popoli. Read more of Vox Day's articles here.