On Thursday, scientists from France announced that they engineered and birthed the first cloned baby in the world – and it’s a girl. Brigitte Boisselier, the French scientist who has claimed responsibility for the cloning, said in a news conference that “she is a very healthy baby.”
Yet, skepticism is not far off. Moreover, I find it rather difficult to believe anything coming from a cult that believes aliens created the first humans. As reported by WorldNetDaily on Thursday, “Raelians, who claim to number 55,000 people worldwide, believe the first humans were cloned by aliens who visited the Earth in flying saucers 25,000 years ago.
“Five followers of Raelianism were reportedly implanted with cloned embryos earlier this year as the UFO cult raced with maverick Italian gynecologist Severino Antinori to be the first to deliver a cloned human baby.”
However, these present-day cult scientists from France may not have created a clone after all. Around the scientific world, many are skeptical as to whether there really is a clone, since no hard evidence has been shown, but I digress. Whether a cloned baby was born on Thursday doesn’t really matter, for there will be cloned babies coming out left and right if you look into how many scientists are in the “cloning race.”
France, Germany, Italy and all the European Union countries gripe at the United States for being cheap and not having any values. Yet, The Netherlands – an EU member country – has euthanasia, and France – another member country – has cloned the first baby. And what about abortion? All these countries have it.
We’re heading toward the total devaluation of life. Wait until you hear of a cloned baby that has been aborted – it will happen. How about a science experiment gone wrong and a cloned human must be euthanized? It will eventually happen.
What about the future of these cloned babies? They will be subject to tests, experiments and observation from one side, and publicity, stardom and a circus show from the other. These cloned human beings get nothing out of this except an unfortunate situation. There are many documented cases of child celebrities going haywire because of the amount of attention they receive. When coupled with scientific tests, observation and the craziness of cloning science, the outcome will be much, much worse.
These crazy scientists from France are treating humans like lab mice. It is much more than that: It is a living, breathing, learning baby – a sacred life that should not be treated like a possession.
After birth, what’s the plan for these cloned babies that will be coming in the year ahead? Is there even a plan? There are too many unanswered questions, and when dealing with sacred life, that’s a bad mix.
In many ways, cloning is worse than abortion. Artificially creating a life that will be subject to the cheap ways of this world in addition to the awful publicity and the immoral science is no way to treat a child.
“Science can be used for the best and the worst. I believe that this is the best,” the lead scientist said, “I hope that you remember them when you talk about this baby, not like a monster, not like some results of something that is disgusting.”
She is wrong. The experiment done is not only disgusting, but immoral.
There is no basis for mad scientist Brigitte Boisselier to engineer a cloned baby simply because of her insane, cultish beliefs. That is the exact reason such things must be opposed and stomped out – starting in our country.
We are entering a new age – a “Brave New World,” as they say – but I wonder if we are brave enough to fight these crucial battles.