Editor’s note: Are you ready for the Second American Revolution? Joseph Farah’s new book, “Taking America Back” exposes the weaknesses in America’s current system and offers practical solutions – solutions that are real and doable, solutions that can revive freedom, morality and justice in our nation. Order your copy now in WorldNetDaily’s online store, ShopNetDaily!
Did you hear President Bush’s latest great idea?
It’s really a doozy. But, before we discuss it, consider the following:
- The government is gearing up to spend billions on “homeland defense” because of our war with terrorists invading America with the goal of inflicting massive casualties to rival those of Sept. 11, 2001.
- The nation’s borders are porous and immigration policies make it easy for America haters of all stripes to gain entry.
- We’re already spending billions of taxpayer dollars hosting millions of illegal aliens in government schools and hospitals.
- Social Security is going bankrupt.
So what’s President Bush’s big idea?
Adding Mexicans who work in the U.S. to the current Social Security system – even bending the rules on eligibility in ways that will give them benefits earlier than hard-working American citizens.
You say you don’t like it? I’m with you.
The proposal would add about 162,000 beneficiaries to the Social Security rolls immediately – many more in the future. It will immediately create a new liability for taxpayers of more than $1 billion a year.
Worse yet, the program would hasten the coming Social Security crash. In about 12 years, Social Security payments will exceed revenues.
There is only a small window of opportunity to address the endemic Social Security crisis. Increasing the problem hardly seems wise.
But it gets worse. The change in policy under consideration by the administration would actually give Mexicans benefits earlier and for less work than the system provides for American citizens.
Americans are required to work 40 quarters, 10 years, usually, to collect Social Security. This plan would allow people who have not worked the minimum amount of time to apply their Mexican work experience toward getting our Social Security.
It’s an outrage!
Quite simply the president is planning to alter the rules to transfer precariously inadequate Social Security funds to people in Mexico who are not currently eligible to receive them.
There are at least 50 times more Mexicans working in the U.S. than there are Americans working in Mexico. So this is a major wealth-transfer program. There is no reciprocity in this deal at all.
Why? It seems to be nothing more than a cold, calculated political move by President Bush, who apparently believes he can beef up support among Hispanic voters for a re-election bid in 2004. It’s a move worthy of Bill Clinton – and, in fact, resembles some of his own shameless amnesty programs. It’s a case of politicians buying votes with your money.
How can it be defeated? By showing those considering the plan that they will lose far more political points than they will gain by implementing it.
Everyone I know who has heard this plan hates it. Passions are running high. People who know about it see it as a big taxpayer ripoff. They’re angry about it.
But the plan hasn’t received much media attention. It was overshadowed by the Trent Lott saga. Then the holidays came.
I suspect the administration floated this idea as a trial balloon. It’s a trial balloon that needs to be shot down with a heavy barrage of political ack-ack. It needs to be killed deader than dead so that no politician in his right mind will ever again consider making such a politically tone deaf suggestion.
But that’s not enough.
This proposal is a symptom of a much bigger problem. It’s the kind of cultural, political, social and spiritual problem I address in my new book, “Taking America Back.”
It’s not enough to kill bad ideas. We need ideas that are actually going to improve our country – not just defensive measures that will only forestall ruin.
Don’t look at this proposal as just another bad idea that needs to be repudiated. Look at it as an opportunity to awaken your neighbors to the many ways they are losing their country, their birthright, their freedom.
It’s time to put America first. In the 18th century, Americans fought for independence, for national sovereignty, for the rule of law and for self-government. It’s time to start fighting for those principles again.