Christian persecution by Arafat

By Joseph Farah

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Question: What’s worse than being bullied, harassed, intimidated and persecuted for your faith?

Answer: Being bullied, harassed, intimidated and persecuted for your faith – and watching the perpetrator of these crimes against humanity successfully blame someone else for committing them.

That’s exactly what is happening to Christians today in Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Authority. They are being beaten up. They are being killed. They are having their businesses burned down. They are watching their daughters raped. They are being run out of their ancestral homelands.

And the very people doing this – Arafat’s PA – are blaming it all on Israel.

The latest evidence of this campaign came on Christmas Day in an editorial in the Jordan Times.

Interestingly, the editorial doesn’t sugar-coat the toll on Christians.

  • “The alarm bell has already been rung,” it said. “In a few decades, there may be no Christians left in the Holy Land.”

  • “It is time it is given its real name: Ethnic cleansing.”

  • “According to Palestinian experts, at least 1,500 Christian families have left Bethlehem over the past year.”

  • “It is a generally acknowledged fact that Palestinian Christians emigrate in proportionally higher numbers than Muslims.”

All true. But the reasons for this modern-day exodus are totally obscured by the report.

After explaining that Christians tend to be professionals and belong to the middle class, the paper says it is easier for them to find employment abroad. Christians, the paper says, feel more at home in the West. It all sounds like the Jordan Times is writing this off as a voluntary phenomenon. Then the phony blame-game begins.

“A few experts have also talked of some sort of pressure from Palestinian Islamic militant groups, such as Hamas, although this phenomenon has certainly played a negligible part in the Christian exodus from the Holy Land, compared to the brutal aggression carried out by Israel,” the editorial says.

Nothing could be further from the truth. This kind of distortion adds insult to injury to the remnant of Christians left in the Holy Land. They know who their enemy is. They know why are they are oppressed. They know who is attacking them. They know who is occupying them.

And it’s not Israel.

I’ve talked to these people. I’ve broken bread with these people. And a new documentary, “Holy Land: Christians in Peril,” made within the Palestinian Authority demonstrates just what an outrageous lie is being perpetrated by Arafat and his co-conspirators in the Arab world with regard to the persecution of Christian Arabs.

Here are the facts. Some 2 million Christians have fled the Middle East in the past 20 years. Some estimates are much higher than this. Since Arafat took over administration of the Palestinian territories from Israel the Christian population has dropped from 15 percent to 2 percent.

If these people were fleeing Israeli oppression, why did they leave after the Israelis left? It makes no sense.

The Jordan Times, apologists for Arafat to the end, knows this truth. It knows the only way Israel has sped up the exodus of Christians from the Middle East is by withdrawing from territories in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, southern Lebanon and elsewhere. When Israel administered those areas, Christian Arabs believed they had a friend in the Jewish state.

Now the protective hand of Israel has been lifted because Israel itself is under siege.

It’s time for the whole world to recognize the mini-holocaust taking place against Christians in the Middle East.

As the Jordan Times wrote: “How much longer will it take for the international community to come out against the ethnic cleansing in Palestine?”

They’ve got that right. It is indeed a form of ethnic cleansing. But the perpetrators are not Israelis, they are Muslim Arabs, and they are acting under the color of authority of Yasser Arafat.


Get “Holy Land: Christians in Peril”

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.