The changing face of abortion in America

By Jerry Falwell

Earlier this month, the National Abortion Rights Action League, NARAL, changed its name to NARAL Pro-Choice America.

That new label is a lie.

Thirty years after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion, it is increasingly evident that Americans are embracing the pro-life cause. In fact, a significant new poll has revealed that nearly 70 percent of Americans say they favor “restoring legal protection for unborn children.”

The fact is, our nation is becoming Pro-Life America!

A Wirthlin Worldwide poll taken last month asked about 1,000 adults if, considering medical advances that exhaustively reveal the unborn child’s body and facial features, “are you in favor of restoring legal protection for unborn children?”

An astounding 68 percent of the randomly-surveyed respondents answered that they were in favor of legal protection; 44 percent were in strong agreement of such action. Furthermore, 66 percent said they believe that nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court should “uphold laws that restore legal protection to unborn children.”

Nevertheless, the sightless leadership at NARAL Pro-Choice America said this week, “A majority of Americans believe that women should have the right to choose [abortion] and that decision should be between a woman and her doctor.”


The abortion-rights community lives in a vacuum. They habitually cover up the fact that many scientific studies have discovered a link between breast cancer and abortion; they disregard the fact that women undergoing abortions frequently suffer mental anguish; and they ignore the most important fact that abortion stops a beating heart.

So there’s no reason for obstinate abortion activists to accept the findings of this poll. But the numbers cannot be overlooked. The tone on abortion is changing in America.

I believe a large part of this intensifying grass-roots support for protecting the lives of the unborn lies largely in the fact that America elected a pro-life president in George W. Bush. Mr. Bush issued his second sanctity of human life proclamation this week, signifying his ongoing support of life. The proclamation proposes that Americans “reaffirm our commitment to respecting the life and dignity of every human being.”

It is a simple, yet profound, evocation.

Mr. Bush added that his administration continues to support “compassionate alternatives to abortion,” such as group homes for unwed pregnant women, abstinence education and adoption.

Here in Lynchburg, Va., where my ministry is headquartered, we have operated the Liberty Godparent Home – a beautiful dwelling where young girls may live after they discover they are pregnant – for 21 years. We provide their room and board, education, health care – all at no charge to them. When they leave us, they either carry their newborn child with them or they have chosen a childless Christian couple to raise their baby. It is a ministry of compassion that has touched the lives of hundreds of families.

Through our Godparent Home, we have provided the means for young girls to choose an alternative to abortion. (Girls interested in information on our Godparent Home may call toll free: 1-800-54-CHILD. Christian couples interested in information on our Family Life Services Adoption Agency may visit our website or e-mail us.)

I firmly agree with President Bush, who said, “Every child is a priority and a blessing, and I believe that all should be welcomed in life and protected by law. Through ethical policies and the compassion of Americans, we will continue to build a culture that respects life.”

The National Right to Life maintains a simple poem, titled “I Am An American,” on its website. It beautifully captures the spirit of the pro-life community that should be our never-ending focus:


I am endowed by my Creator

with the unalienable right to life.

Just like you, and every other American.

You know who I am.

Now that you can see my face,

will you use your voice?

Please tell America,

I am an American, too.

Jerry Falwell

Rev. Jerry Falwell, a nationally recognized Christian minister and television show host, was the founder of Jerry Falwell Ministries and chancellor of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. Read more of Jerry Falwell's articles here.