Dumb and dirty neocon artists

By Ilana Mercer

The syntax-challenged Darell Fowler is one of the more enlightened neoconservative responders to my “Tuned-Out, Turned-On, and Hot for War.” And that’s not saying much, considering that the linguistic repertoire of these ruffians consists mostly of four-letter words. He managed to identify my position against Bush’s impending Saddam Sojourn with that of the isolationist pre-World War II crowd, which was of the Right, but then called me a “media liberal.”

Our confused New World Order Couch Warrior, who mistakes himself for a conservative, takes life’s lessons from the Hollywood grotesquerie. In Darell’s World, it all happens in slow motion. Confronted with our “men in uniform,” the Iraqis fall to their grateful knees and kiss the liberator’s feet. Somalia-type native impulses are an anomaly.

Predictably, and given their not-so-distant pedigree, neoconservatives easily slip into Marxoid consciousness-raising talk. Iraqis, even when they express a wish to be left to their devices, don’t really know their minds and, says this neocon, must be led to the truth – to American-style democracy – even if it’s delivered with daisy cutters.

Typically, the Maniac of the “Managerial State” firmly believes that if the subject, be he a national or an international renegade, doesn’t capitulate to domestic or exported ideology, then you make him capitulate.

“I am a student of history,” writes Paul Grant, who also hates “wanton violence.” This neocon goes on to align his faith with that of Mao: “All political power,” he says, “flows forth from the barrel of a gun.” It’s uncanny how neocons cling to their brutish muses, the Marxists. In the same vein, from the hateful holster of Stephen Anderson come Lenin’s words: He calls me a “useful idiot.” Name-calling, incidentally, is a blue-blooded Bolshevik, or rather Stalinist, method of besmirching the opponent.

Comrade Grant also believes that the Iraqi oil just happens to be on Iraqi soil, but is really collectively owned by the world. To real conservatives, you see, property rights matter. Not to the Trotskyite neocons. At least Grant is more honest than his leaders about the spoils of war. Significantly, not a word will you hear from this bunch as to why the U.N. is often – and rightly so – condemned as a sovereignty-impeding, loathsome Global Government, while American global hegemony is touted as benign and beneficent.

Grant and Fowler are the creme de la creme of my neoconster readers. From here on, things get ugly. From the pen of the “80 IQ Crowd,” Danny Harnett hollers, “You’re a goofy f—ing b–ch,” going on to describe unedifyingly how I might apply to take Lewinsky’s place at the feet of another poor white like himself, Bill Clinton. He joins Richard Mogelson, whose idea of a clever quip is to implicate my mother’s morals.

Troy Johnson is a neocon who speaks in tongues: “If you were in North Korea or Iraq your head would be chop (sic) off. There (sic) not the good but they are evil.” Given how little he is working with, Towering Troy is at a loss to explain when the presence of evil in the world became a ruse for war.

These “illiterate leftists posturing as conservatives” have, largely, helped make Martin Luther King Jr. more important, historically, than the Founding Fathers. They’ve also helped conflate the messages of the two solitudes, even though the Founders’ liberty is related to the egalitarianism promoted by the commie King as a neocon is related to intelligence – never the twain shall mix.

Naturally, then, my neocon dumb detractors wouldn’t know that the correct foreign affairs position is that of their libertarian Founding Fathers. Or that Thomas Jefferson preached, in the First Inaugural Address, March 1801, “[P]eace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”

Historically less remote, but as mindful of his country’s Constitution, a Taft Republican would have concurred. This near-extinct political good guy would also refrain from reconstructing the Middle East. As would the late classical liberal economist Ludwig von Mises have condemned such folly as futile.

Mises didn’t go so far as to say that the “Mohammedan countries” (his delightful appellation) were barbaric, but he did genteelly point out that there was a reason the East – far and near – had not contributed anything to “the intellectual effort of mankind” for centuries. You cannot force the culture of freedom and individual rights where it never arose, and where the legal framework that would protect private wealth and guard against confiscation by the rulers is missing.

Like any leftist, neocons support the meddlesome expansion of the “Managerial State” at home. Somewhat at odds with many liberals, the neocons want to take the same intrusive crusade abroad. This is what defines Bush’s neoconservative administration: social engineering both at home and abroad.