Just like a woman – unfortunately

By Barbara Simpson

Women are the worst. There – I said it, and I’m glad.

Somewhere women got the idea that their sex at birth (female) endows them with certain mindsets, the most notorious being “pro-choice,” being “anti-gun” and now, the most visible, being “anti-war.”

They hate it when not everyone (including other women) agrees with them. When that gets frustrating, they take to the streets demonstrating, picketing and chanting. So far, so good – it’s a legal way to get a message out.

But now, because of the military build-up and that we’re on the verge of war, there are groups of women shouting and demonstrating and claiming to represent all women! I hated it when I first saw it happening and I still hate it.

I hate it because it’s wrong. They don’t represent all women.

Females are not programmed from birth on what to think. I have – we all have, male and female – free will and the ability to reason and reach logical conclusions. To be put into a slot simply because of the design of genitalia, is not only wrong, it’s insulting.

But now, God help us, they’re taking their clothes off to make their case!

Sorry gals, it only makes you look stupid and ridiculous.

Taking your clothes off and arranging your bodies in the shape of letters to spell words carries just one message: You have too much time on your hands and not enough gray matter in your heads.

Unless you’re into nudism, the thought of seeing a whole groups of naked women of all ages, sizes and shapes at one time in public, is not generally going to draw crowds, but it does draw media cameras.

That the whole effort is to make a political statement about international relations and the issue of war – puts it on a different plane that mirrors ridiculous.

Quite frankly, it demeans the lives of the men and women in the military who will be in that war defending the country which makes such stupid, political activity possible in the first place.

Cheers for the First Amendment: Look at the media coverage they get!

And of course, that is the point. Media attention. And now that the anti-war groups are getting the media attention they crave, it’s gotten worse.

These women are all over, with the media cameras following them like slaves. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a nude display on a hillside with the bodies arranged to spell “peace” or protest parades in cities across the country, or hanging real pink slips in protest or handing out “pink slips” to people with whom they disagree, the theme is the same: “Women know best and are filled with peace.” In other words, if you’re a woman, this is how you think. If you are a woman, you are their friend.

Of course, if you are a woman and you disagree with them – then what?

That doesn’t bother them. They just ignore you or demean you. It would muddy the water for them to understand that they didn’t write the book on belief or politics and that all women must agree.

The latest affront to thinking women was the “celebration” of International Women’s Day. An event that historically began with suffrage – disappeared after it became closely associated with communists, and then resurfaced in the ’60s – now is supported and advanced by feminists.

They were out in force March 9, with rallies across the country, celebrating the “Women’s Day” as well as the anti-war sentiment fostered by a group called Code Pink. The Washington rally, with 25 arrests, featured some well known speakers, among them Helen Caldicott, known mainly as a peace and nuclear disarmament activist. One of writer Alice Walker’s contributions to the very real and serious international dilemma was “We have to believe we have good hearts, we don’t have to murder to change minds.”

Better check the dictionary for the definition of the word “murder.”

That’s one of the problems. These women who claim to speak for all women, are ill-informed and inconsistent. Their one message this year is: “No war in Iraq.”

Never mind the dictatorship, torture, mind-control and terrorism.

I saw one report that last year’s International Women’s Day was a celebration of the “end of gender apartheid in Afghanistan.”

That they liked?

Think U.S. military, think attacks, think driving out the Taliban. Think liberating the Afghan people.

Why don’t they want that for Iraqi people – including women?

These demonstrators make me ashamed to be a woman.

Barbara Simpson

Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker," as she's known to her radio talk-show audience, has a 20-year radio, TV and newspaper career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Read more of Barbara Simpson's articles here.