A recent editorial in an Iranian English-language newspaper attacks President George W. Bush and the United States, claiming the U.S. leader is more evil than Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin.
The April 5 column was published in the daily Kayhan International and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
The writer begins by assailing the coalition action against Iraq:
“As the evil brain Frankenstein is battling with the hideous monster it had created decades ago to hold the Iraqi people in perpetual thrall and to haunt regional states into submitting to them, Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization, is reeling under one of the most barbaric aggressions in its history.
“Not since the pagan hordes of Hulaku Khan sacked Baghdad in 1258 has such a grand destruction of civilization and humanitarian values descended upon the Land of the Two Rivers.”
Next, the author charges U.S. soldiers with torturing Iraqi women and children.
“[A]rmed-to-the-teeth the Yankees pillage towns and cities,” said the writer, “barging into the homes of respectable citizens, dragging Muslim women and children out into the streets and torturing and killing defenseless civilians.
“These events are brought about to satiate President George Bush’s desire to impose his version of democracy on the land where Adam, the father of mankind lies buried, where Noah built his ark, and where Abraham was born.”
The writer then makes historical comparisons between Bush and 20th century dictators.
“History abounds with examples of the unprincipled and the godless infidels and how they shed rivers of human blood in the insatiable greed to dominate other cultures and their rich natural resources,” he wrote.
“It was only in the last Christian century that the world saw such blood-sucking megalomaniacs as Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin.
“Obviously Bush Jr. would outdo all those villains of yesteryears.”
The comparisons continue, as the writer characterizes Bush and Saddam as competing for top terrorist honors:
“Bush is obsessed in becoming a super terrorist and his penchant for dropping the most devastating explosives on disarmed people is greater than the lust for blood of the American prot?g?, Saddam Hussein, with whom he is contesting for the crown of ‘state terrorist.’
“The Bush administration growls like a baboon whenever the Zionist lobby tugs its tail to increase pressure on world nations.”
Concludes the piece: “When all is said and done, whatever be the course of the combat in the next few weeks and whether or not the adversaries resort to chemical weapons or atomic bombs, Bush, like Saddam, will end up like a damned devil.”