I recently took some flack for an article I wrote in the April issue of my National Liberty Journal newspaper in which I took to task some of Hollywood’s leftist elites who have recently been involved in condemning the war in Iraq and President Bush.
In the article, which I titled “Smart Bombs and Dumb Americans,” I noted that “spoiled Hollywood brats” and leftist academics have been trashing the country in the name of “patriotism.” Quite frankly, I’ve had my fill of it. Patriotism starts with a love of country; the sentiments of these loopy liberals begin with an absolute loathing and distrust of America. They are not devoted to preserving the American spirit of our forefathers – a spirit that sometimes includes war to advance the cause of freedom. They are, rather, dedicated to a false spirit of detached neutrality that says a George Bush-led America is no better than a Saddam Hussein-led Iraq.
In their typically valueless world of ever-changing morals and situational ethics, there is no right or wrong, no cause for advancing truth because no truth can actually exist. In such a world, we don’t even know what “is” is. Consequently, the spirit of America – our goodness, our compassion, our generosity – dies because only our shortcomings are underscored and we are presented as evil destroyers instead of earnest liberators. Even the people of Iraq seem to realize the sincerity of our effort while the trendy left continues to demean America.
Newsday reported this week that Columbia University assistant professor Nicholas DeGenova, appearing at an anti-war gathering, called for the defeat of U.S. forces in Iraq, saying, “The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military,” Newsday said.
The Columbia administration refused to take action, instead hiding behind “academic freedom” that allegedly protects a professor’s right to speak his treasonous derision.
Thankfully, more than 65 members of Congress have called for professor DeGenova’s firing. Rep. J.D. Hayworth, R-Ariz., called the professor’s statement “an intemperate, unreasonable muttering of a person who surely is not qualified to teach students at one of this nation’s elite universities.”
How far down the proverbial slippery slope will this blatant hatred for America take us if it is not challenged?
Look no further than the recent California “peace” demonstration in which a memorial to those who died on September 11 was destroyed by the “peaceful” protesters. Additionally, 87 American flags there were ripped up. While the memorial has been rebuilt, Gary Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families, noted that we must “rearm the hearts and souls of our children” if we are to preserve the American spirit.
Just as the terrorists who seek to harm our nation are our enemy, so too are these reckless protesters who seek to tear down the spirit of our nation from within.
This demonstration was far from an isolated instance.
- With the polls indicating that growing numbers of Americans support our liberation of Iraq, “Hanoi Jane” Fonda said this week that Americans are “ignorant of reality and history.”
- Eddie Vedder, lead singer for the band Pearl Jam, this week brought a mask of President Bush on stage and trounced on it. (Several fans booed while others walked out of the concert.)
- A few weeks ago, actor Danny Glover called President Bush a “racist” who wants to “eliminate everything Americans had accomplished so far in matters of race and equality.”
These are just a few examples of the lunacy that spews out of Hollywood. These pampered pin-ups are so keen on advancing their nebulous politics that they become blinded to the good that is being accomplished in Iraq.
WorldNetDaily founder Joseph Farah hit the nail on the head when he said, “Many dangerous, violent and profoundly anti-American organizations are using the current war as cover to try to bring America to its knees. They hate this country and openly advocate destroying it. Their cause has nothing to do with opposing war, but everything to do with opposing America. In some cases, both their tactics and their goals are not far from those of the very terrorists we are fighting.”
So we come to the ultimate question: Should I have called these haters of America idiots?
Possibly not.
But my passion for this nation sometimes brings about zealous words. I will never apologize for defending the Judeo-Christian values on which this nation was founded. And I will never back down from a battle with those who seek to destroy this nation that has traditionally embraced and pursued those historic values. I think it’s time we drop the gloves and start fighting for a return to moral sanity in our nation.
Maybe “idiots” was the wrong word, but I really can’t think of a better one.
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