The moral bankruptcy of NOW

By Jane Chastain

The double homicide charge filed against Scott Peterson for the murders of his wife, Laci, and his unborn son, Conner, has the National Organization of (some) Women headed for the tall grass.

Not surprising!

The NOW crowd and their extreme friends, who have promoted the wholesale slaughter of the most innocent among us, always have been afraid to say what they mean and to mean what they say.

Most groups are proud of the issues they support, but NOW won’t admit to being pro-abortion. Instead, NOW says it is “pro-choice.” However, the only choice that interests NOW is the choice to kill unborn babies. NOW will not call them babies. NOW hides behind the term “fetus.” It’s not a pretty word. It doesn’t roll off the tongue, but it makes them seem less human. The NOW crowd throws that word around a lot.

Want to know how to put a member of the NOW in a tizzy? Ask her to define “fetus.” She will tie herself in knots before she will admit that it’s just a medical term for a child in the womb in the later stages of a pregnancy. Ah, there’s the rub!

That was the dilemma for Mavra Stark, the head of NOW’s Morris County, New Jersey chapter. This past weekend, Stark expressed concern over the tone of the coverage of the Peterson murders, more specifically the murder of Laci Peterson’s child.

“Was it born, or was it unborn?” Stark asked.

Laci and Scott’s child wasn’t an “it.” Anyone who’s read a newspaper or been near a television set since Christmas knows their child was a little boy. Furthermore, Conner never was an it. His gender was determined at the moment of conception.

Are you beginning to see how this game of pretend works?

Stark continued, “If it was unborn, then I can’t see charging [Scott Peterson] with a double-murder. If this is murder, well, then any time a late-term fetus [there’s that word] is aborted, they could call it murder.”

Oops! It seems Stark’s friends in the pro-abortion movement didn’t cue her into the fact that NOW members – certainly not NOW leaders – are not supposed to wonder about these things out loud.

Laci Peterson’s grieving parents are faced with the grim reality that those bodies that washed-up last week were those of their daughter and grandson. Meanwhile, Stark doesn’t want the man charged with the crime to be subject to the death penalty because it might hurt NOW’s claim that a child can be aborted for any reason, at any time during a pregnancy up until – and now including – the very moment of birth.

Officials at NOW’s national headquarters in Washington, D.C., are trying to distance themselves from Stark, not because they disagree with her, but because the whole thing is unseemly.

According to the Daily Record, NOW spokeswoman Rebecca Farmer would not even say whether NOW opposes fetal-homicide statues that exist in 26 states. “Right now, the issue is connected to the case,” Farmer opined, trying to seen sympathetic but trying to throw us off base.

Does Farmer really think our memories are that short? This is the group that fought against passage of the “Unborn Victims of Violence Act” which creates a penalty for anyone convicted of harming an unborn child during commission of a federal crime. According to NOW, this bill “would give separate legal status to any fertilized egg, embryo or fetus, even if the woman is unaware she’s pregnant.”

There they go again with their word games. If a fertilized egg is not attached to the uterus (then it becomes an embryo) there is no way for a woman, or anyone else for that matter, to know she is pregnant. NOW goes to this extreme to keep us from thinking about what is happening at the other extreme, the taking of the innocent life of a viable child. Certainly this is not the mark of a civilized society … or a civilized women’s organization!

There was a time when NOW spokespersons would preface any discussion on abortion with the words, “Well, certainly in the first trimester.” Currently, NOW boldly is defending the brutal form of infanticide known as the partial-birth abortion – only NOW hides behind the sanitized term concocted by the abortion industry for this procedure, “dilation and extraction.”

So all you NOW whiners, it’s time to stand up and be counted. Strut your stuff! Don’t be afraid to say where you stand on the fetal-homicide statutes. Come on out and fight for what you believe or be forever relegated to the tall grass.

Jane Chastain

Jane Chastain is a Colorado-based writer and former broadcaster. Read more of Jane Chastain's articles here.